Do equip your corgi with a jaunty sweater and a safe place to roam. Although the corgi will continue to express sad resignation to a cruel fate. And will beg to return indoors.一定要给你的小柯基穿上时髦的毛衣,还要带它去安全的地方散步哦。即使小柯基还是不大愿意接受“玩雪的悲惨命运”,甚至会求着你把它带回室内。
At this point, suggesting that your corgi return inside will result in defiance. And possible attempts to camouflage himself in the snow. 这时候,“小短腿”会抗拒回屋的命令哦。它可能都想把自己藏在雪里啦!
She may ask repeatedly when it is time to return to the joyful mounds of winter bliss. And will continue to express displeasure until falling asleep. “柯基小姐”可能会不停地问你,什么时候才能再去雪地里玩耍。直到睡着后,她那“离开雪地的不快”才会停止。