“Are you having a good time?” Elena asked. I am now. Stefan didn’t say it, but Elena knew it was what he was thinking. She could see it in the way he stared at her. She had never been so sure of her power. Except that actually he didn’t look as if he were having a god time; he looked stricken , in pain, as if he couldn’t take one more minute of this. The band was starting up, a slow dance. He was still staring at her, drinking her in. Those green eyes darkening, going black with disire. She had the sudden feeling that he might jerk her to him and kiss her hard, without ever saying a word. “Would you like to dance?” she said softly. I’m playing with fire, with something I don’t understand, she thought suddenly. And in that instant she realized that she was frightened. Her heart bagan to pound violently. It was as if those green eyes spoke to some part of her that was buried deep beneath the surface-and that part was screaming “danger” at her. Some instinct older than civilization was telling her to run, to flee. She didn’t move.
Chapter One Dear Diary, Something awful is going to happen today. I don’t know why I wrote that. It’s crazy. There is no reason for me to be upset and every reason for me to be happy, but... But here I am at 5:30 in the morning, awake and scared.I keep telling myself it’s just that I’m all messed up from the time difference between France and here. But that doesn’t explain why I feel so scared. So lost. The day before yesterday, while Aunt Judith and Margaret and I were driving back from the airport. I had such a strange feeling. When we turned onto our street I suddenly thought, “Mom and Dad are waiting for us at home. I bet they’ll be on the front porch or in the living room looking out the window. They must have missed me so much.” I know. That sounds totally crazy. But even when I saw the house and the empty front porch I still felt that way. I ran up the steps and I tried the door and knocked with the knocker. And when Aunt Judith unlocked the door I burst inside and just stood in the hallway listening, expecting to hear Mom coming down the stairs or Dad calling from the den.
Just then Aunt Judith let a suitcase crash down on the floor behind me and sighed a huge sigh andsaid, "We're home." And Margaret laughed. And the most horrible feeling I've ever felt in my lifecame over me. I've never felt so utterly and completely lost.Home. I'm home. Why does that sound like a he?I was born here in Fell's Church. I've always lived in this house, always. This is my same oldbedroom, with the scorch mark on the floorboards where Caroline and I tried to sneak cigarettesin 5th grade and nearly choked ourselves. I can look out the window and see the big quince treeMatt and the guys climbed up to crash my birthday slumber party two years ago. This is my bed,my chair, my dresser.
I was too tired yesterday to go to Orientation. Meredith picked up my schedule for me, but I didn't feel like talking to her on the phone. AuntJudith told everyone who called that I had jet lag and was sleeping, but she watched me at dinner with a funny look on her face.