Dear Seunggi,
How about your diet in the training center? Are you full now?
Maybe it is a little” cruel”^^, but I really want to tell you that I ate a very delicious fish dish today. The name is “쑹수구이위(松鼠桂鱼)”, do you hear of it? It is a kind of sweet and sour taste fish, the color is orange, the shape of the fish is made as a squirrel. It is very normal in China, but hard to make delicious, always too sweet or too sour. Today I ate a perfect one, the taste of sweet is just my flavor and not too sour. Hope you can image the taste. ^___^
Always missing you
China Airen 蔓
How about your diet in the training center? Are you full now?
Maybe it is a little” cruel”^^, but I really want to tell you that I ate a very delicious fish dish today. The name is “쑹수구이위(松鼠桂鱼)”, do you hear of it? It is a kind of sweet and sour taste fish, the color is orange, the shape of the fish is made as a squirrel. It is very normal in China, but hard to make delicious, always too sweet or too sour. Today I ate a perfect one, the taste of sweet is just my flavor and not too sour. Hope you can image the taste. ^___^
Always missing you
China Airen 蔓