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BBC Earth asks the creators of The Hunt, a new landmark BBC natural history series,exactly what it took to capture the trials and tribulations of the hunters and the hunted on camera
《猎捕》是BBC又一部标志性的自然历史类纪录片,透过镜头为我们揭示了猎手与猎物之间的殊死搏斗。BBC Earth对该片的制片人进行了专访,以便了解他们是如何捕捉到如此震撼人心的画面的。
30 October 2015

A new television series, The Hunt, will hit UK screens on Sunday November 1st on BBC One. This visual feastof one of nature’s most compelling stories, the interaction between predatorand prey, is told with incredible ingenuity. It’s an old rivalry showcased innew ways or never filmed before. In many sequences it’s the first time theanimals have ever been captured hunting in the wild.

IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体1楼2016-02-19 00:32回复
    Eye to eye with the UK’s peregrines 与英国游隼“眼对眼”

    The team travelled to over 30 countries,filming an amazing array of species. But capturing some of the mostbreath-taking behavioural sequences of predation in the natural world didn’tmean the team always had to travel far. The Hunt reveals the challenges of theworld’s fastest predator, the peregrine falcon – a bird of prey found in ourown back yard here in the UK.
    “There’s a sequence about peregrineshunting wading birds and the problems that they have,” says Fothergill.
    “It’samazing footage of peregrines chasing redshanks, and the redshanks keep onbailing into the water
    “They try and go for knot, but knot formthese swirling flocks of black and white to confuse them. So then theperegrines try and go for individual waders like redshank or oystercatchers.
    “Now what’s really interesting is that theredshanks have learnt that if they get into the water, the peregrines can’t getthem because peregrines can’t get wet – they don’t have very good oils likewading birds.
    “It’s amazing footage of peregrines chasingredshanks, and the redshanks keep on bailing into the water, but finally a malemanaged to get below one redshank. The redshank then flies up and basicallythere’s this dogfight,” Fothergill says.
    “You needthe audience to emotionally engage with the challenge of the predator
    “Now, all of that was filmed in thewild...on the UK coastline, and we spent weeks and weeks and weeks doing that. Butyou are on the edge of a mudflat, you can’t go out there, the birds are a longway away, you know; they’re wide shots.
    “So in order to make it cut [the sequencework], we took a falconry bird to exactly the same place and the cameraman shota handful of very specific little close-ups. There are probably six or sevenclose-ups in the whole sequence.”
    “It’s completely natural behaviour, but sothe audience could enjoy it and actually see the eye of the bird – I didn’twant it to be distant to them – you need the audience to emotionally engagewith the challenge of the predator.”

    IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体5楼2016-02-19 00:42
      A fair fight 这是一场公平的战斗
      I think you can feel emotionally attached to the prey in some of the sequences, but totally celebrate the endeavour of the predator
      Both Cordey and Fothergill are hopeful that they have managed to illustrate the truth of exactly how the natural worldworks for both the hunters and the hunted in this series.
      “If the predator is always successful,there’s no prey. And if there’s no prey, there are no predators. It’s prettysimple,” says Cordey.
      “As long as you elicit some kind of emotion– for me the important thing is that somebody feels an emotional connection tothe sequence – whether it’s the prey or the predator, I don’t think it reallymatters. Because I think you can feel emotionally attached to the prey in someof the sequences, but totally celebrate the endeavour of the predator.”

      IP属地:北京本楼含有高级字体11楼2016-02-19 00:55

        IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端14楼2016-02-19 09:16
          视频:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2ODY3NDQyNA==.html视频:#(null) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2ODY3NDQyNA==.html

          来自Android客户端16楼2016-02-19 11:18
            来自Android客户端17楼2016-02-19 11:20
              来自Android客户端18楼2016-02-19 11:21
                第四集 海中猎手 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2OTg5NjE2MA==.html

                来自Android客户端19楼2016-02-19 11:22
                  第五集 无处藏身 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ3MDU1MDE2OA==.html

                  来自Android客户端20楼2016-02-19 11:23
                    第六集 与时间赛跑

                    来自Android客户端21楼2016-02-19 11:24
                      第七集 与捕食者共生

                      来自Android客户端22楼2016-02-19 11:25

                        24楼2016-02-19 16:50

                          IP属地:加拿大来自Android客户端25楼2016-02-19 22:10