Abandon v 1 放弃,舍弃 The family abandoned him who was designed as the symbol of ageless when the lie of ageless was disclosed/revealed(揭露). 2 取消 The travel had to be abandoned due to the badweather.(原例句) 3 放纵,沉湎于 It would have been one and only one time that he abandoned himself to grief(伤痛,尤指失去所爱之人)in a snowy day.(致白玛)
Abide v 1 (can’t/couldn’tabide)不能忍受 In the beginning he couldn’t abide the silent man who stared at the sky and made no response to other’s greetings, but he changed his mind later. 2 逗留 Abide with me a while longer.和我在一起多呆一会。(原例句) 3 (abide by sth. ) 遵守 He seldom abided by other’s orders, for he had his own aims. (造句并不太好) Above all, everyone must abide by the law.首要的是,每个人都必须遵守法律。(原例句) 【这两种意思应该是上面的引申吧? 1 维持下去 You shall abide in my love.我永远爱你(原例句) 2 屈从于;默默接受,毫无反对或毫无疑问的接受】
Abound v 1 大量存在 Alkalis(碱) abound in the old building. 2 (abound in/with)充满,富于 There is a place abounding with pure flowers behind the snow mountain, where his mother slept.
Abroad a/ad 在国外,到海外 He was engaged from abroad.他是从国外聘来的。(原例句) A man lived in Ming Dynasty wanted to make the secrets spread abroad(广泛传播). n 海外,异国 The books about Harry Potter have been very popular, both at home and abroad.(原例句)
Abrupt a 突然的 The family’s power begun to wane(衰落) when abrupt and dangerous changes happened in the ancient dynasty. The bus came to an abrupt halt(停止).(原例句) 唐突的,生硬的 Excuse me for my abrupt question.(原例句) An old man’s abrupt visiting changed the young man’s fate/destiny(命运).
Absence n 缺席 World changed a lot during his absence.【在他缺席的十年,世界的确变了很多。比如,坐火车实名制了。】 缺乏;不注意 In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let John ho.(原例句) The absence of parents made his childhood hard.【不知道可不可以这么用】
Absolute a 绝对的;完全的;专制的 His friends didn’t know if he had absolute confidence in victory, but they had absolute confidence in him.(说的是沙海) n 绝对,绝对事物 She believed in the importance of moral absolutes.(原例句)
Absorb v 吸收 Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.(原例句) 理解 His brain can absorb all this information carried by snakes, but this action does great harm to both physical and mental health. 吸引 The mysteries absorbed him completely so that he risked his life to explore the dangerous places. 使全神贯注 He lay on the sofa, absorbed in the communications with ceilings. 其实应该是→ He lay on the sofa, absorbed in his memories.