传说中的loc吧 关注:1贴子:5
  • 2回复贴,共1

缩写 索引



IP属地:云南1楼2016-02-22 10:23回复
    PP = Power Potion 回复ATK/DEF药剂 ===水 1 交易一般等价物
    EP/ED = Energy Potion/Energy Drink 回复能量药剂 ====水 2 交易一般等价物
    MM = Monster Maestro (a now ended game also made by Applibot)
    GS = Galaxy Saga (a game made by Applibot)
    Pure= The price in potions (usually all of either PP or ED) 水价
    Mix = The price in a mix of some PP or ED 混水12
    Junk = A Rare considered too weak to put in the effort of enhancing or evolving 废物,杂鱼卡
    RM = Regular Max (an unevolved card fully enhanced) 满级未进化卡
    PM = Perfect Max (an evolved card in which it's constituents were fully enhanced before evolving) 完美满级进化卡
    Fresh = A card that has not yet been enhanced (level 1) 1级新卡 也叫reg
    UR = Ultra Rare 5星卡
    PM UR = Ultra Rare EX that is also PM 完美6星
    Imperfect = An evolved card that was evolved without fully enhancing both constituent cards first非完美进化卡,半废物,可以用不值钱(水)
    Skilled Common = A common card that has a skill ability.
    BR = Battle Royale 公会战争
    PC = Price Check 查价

    IP属地:云南2楼2016-02-22 10:36
      LB login bonus 登录奖励,每天北京时间21点开始发
      MxD 红龙 大中小号,升级卡lv
      GxD 蓝龙 大中小号 ,升级卡技能等级 最终进化形态的才升级技能,之前的 evolve进化后技能回1
      PxD 金龙,卖了换硬币
      Enhancing 吞卡升级
      PWr 力量需求,越高说明卡越强 ,常用20~25。超过100的是功能卡如MxD
      MD messagebord 信息版

      IP属地:云南3楼2016-02-22 12:37