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《山吧汉化组,高产赛母猪》1993 Klein Adroit老车新看。


在上世纪90年代早期,XC比赛在美国发展势头迅猛,即将达到全盛时期,一些大神如John Tomac, Ned Overend, Tinker Juarez等在全国性的NORBA赛上一决雌雄。尽管当时山地车科技迅速发展,避震前叉越来越普遍,V刹也即将问世,但硬尾山地车和吊刹仍是那个年代的主流配置。
In the early 1990s cross-country racing wasapproaching its heyday in the United States, with the likes of John Tomac, NedOverend, and Tinker Juarez battling it out at NORBA National races across thecountry. Mountain bike technology was rapidly advancing, but hardtails andcantilever brakes still reigned supreme, although suspension forks werebecoming more and more common, and the advent of V-brakes was just around thecorner.
本期的老车新看介绍的是一辆1993年的Klein Adroit,由来自Second Spin Cycles的Martin Kozaczek先生组装,此车仿制了那辆在Mount St. Anne 给Tinker Juarez带来生涯中第一个世界冠军的赛车。尽管车架并不是Tinker大神在比赛上用的那个,但据Martin说这个车架很可能是车队的流出备用品,其独创的定制涂装也让这个车架更加稀有。1993年赛季后,Tinker在cross-country和24小时赛上赢得的众多国际头衔更加巩固了他在车坛的传奇地位,即使是经过40余年的赛场风云后的现在,我们仍能看到这位蓄起长发的硬汉活跃在自行车赛场。
The 1993 Klein Adroit featured in thisedition of Now THAT Was a Bike was assembled by Martin Kozaczek of Second SpinCycles, built up to mirror the bike that Tinker Juarez raced to his first WorldCup victory at Mount St. Anne. Although the frame isn't the actual one thatTinker raced on, according to Martin it was likely one of the team's backups,and its rarity is further increased thanks to the original custom paint job.After the 1993 season Tinker went on to firmly cement his legend status bygarnering multiple national titles for cross-country and 24-hour races, andeven now, after over 40 years of racing, the dreadlocked hardman is still aforce to be reckoned with on two wheels.

IP属地:上海1楼2016-02-22 19:04回复

    这辆Adroit上有Klein家标志性的水平尾叉而且多处偷轻。Shimano XTR套件当时是一个新生物,但很快就在专业选手和周末大神中流行开来。
    The Adroit has Klein's signature horizontal dropouts, with every bit of extra material removed to shave weight. Shimano's XTR gruppo was still a recent development, but it was quickly gaining in popularity among professional racers and weekend warriors alike.

    IP属地:上海4楼2016-02-22 19:05

      在车架的压入式中轴里运转的阳极紫罗兰色Grafton曲柄配备了Action Tec牌的钛合金盘片。Tinker大神御用Look锁踏的另一面看起来十分凶残,锁踏背面的抓脚钉可谓是十足的小腿绞肉机。
      Action Tec's titanium chainrings are mounted to a set of anodized violet Grafton cranks, which spin on a press-fit bottom bracket. The underside of Tinker's signature Look clipless pedals was downright frightening - those spikes are enough to make shins quiver in fear.

      IP属地:上海5楼2016-02-22 19:05
        这辆由加粗铝管焊接而成的Adroit上包含了所有Gray Klein的看家技术——包括一体整合式碗组,压入式中轴,内走线等。Klein是当年最早使用内走线技术的少数几个厂家之一,而这项技术最近又流行了起来,另那些不得不小心翼翼百般耐心地把变速线捅出走线口的技师失去耐心破口大骂,恨不能与之撕逼。不过要承认的是内走线设计的确让战车看起来分外清爽,凭借骚气的风暴涂装和大把的阳极化零件加持,Adroit就是那个年代制作高端大气上档次赛车的化身。
        Constructed from oversized aluminum tubing, the Adroit has all the features that Gary Klein's frames were known for – an integrated head set, press-fit bottom bracket, and internal cable routing. Internal cable routing is currently back in fashion, but Klein was on of the earliest manufacturers to include this feature, one that caused plenty of hair pulling and cursing by mechanics trying to coax a stubborn cable out of the narrow exit port. It did give the bike a very clean look, and combined with the Team Storm paint job and abundance of anodized parts the Adroit Team is the epitome of a high end race bike from this era.
        Speaking of anodizing, 3-D Violet was still the hot color for components in 1993 thanks to a collaboration between Ringlé and Grafton Performance. Beginning in 1991 the two American companies began to release anodized violet components - cranks, stems, pedals, hubs, skewers, and even bottle cages, and soon the color was inescapable.

        IP属地:上海6楼2016-02-22 19:05

          More anodized goodies from Grafton, this time in the form of their Speed Controller cantilever brakes.

          IP属地:上海7楼2016-02-22 19:06

            前叉为定制涂装的可打气RockShox Mag 20,提供特别巴适的45mm避震行程。
            Front suspension was handled by a custom painted RockShox Mag 20 fork, which offered a whopping 45mm of air sprung travel.

            IP属地:上海8楼2016-02-22 19:06

              Ringle给这辆Adroit提供了紫色坐管,与之相搭配的是Avocet家的Air O2坐垫,当年的流行款之一。
              Ringle Components took care of the Adroit's purple seatpost, topped with Avocet's Air O2, one of the most popular saddles of the time.

              IP属地:上海10楼2016-02-22 19:07
                感谢Pro’s Closet与Second Spin Cycles工作室为我们在回忆经典的旅途上提供的馈赠。顺便说一句,Second Spin Cycles仍然想知道Tinker大神原版战车的下落,欢迎知道线索的你给我们留言。
                Thanks to The Pro's Closet and Second Spin Cycles for facilitating another trip down memory lane. On a side note, Second Spin Cycles is still interested in tracking down Tinker's original 1993 Klein Adroit race bike - drop them a line if you know where it may be.

                IP属地:上海11楼2016-02-22 19:07
                  原文来自 Pinkbike.com
                  翻译来自 野比大宁

                  IP属地:上海13楼2016-02-22 19:08

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