在上世纪90年代早期,XC比赛在美国发展势头迅猛,即将达到全盛时期,一些大神如John Tomac, Ned Overend, Tinker Juarez等在全国性的NORBA赛上一决雌雄。尽管当时山地车科技迅速发展,避震前叉越来越普遍,V刹也即将问世,但硬尾山地车和吊刹仍是那个年代的主流配置。
In the early 1990s cross-country racing wasapproaching its heyday in the United States, with the likes of John Tomac, NedOverend, and Tinker Juarez battling it out at NORBA National races across thecountry. Mountain bike technology was rapidly advancing, but hardtails andcantilever brakes still reigned supreme, although suspension forks werebecoming more and more common, and the advent of V-brakes was just around thecorner.
本期的老车新看介绍的是一辆1993年的Klein Adroit,由来自Second Spin Cycles的Martin Kozaczek先生组装,此车仿制了那辆在Mount St. Anne 给Tinker Juarez带来生涯中第一个世界冠军的赛车。尽管车架并不是Tinker大神在比赛上用的那个,但据Martin说这个车架很可能是车队的流出备用品,其独创的定制涂装也让这个车架更加稀有。1993年赛季后,Tinker在cross-country和24小时赛上赢得的众多国际头衔更加巩固了他在车坛的传奇地位,即使是经过40余年的赛场风云后的现在,我们仍能看到这位蓄起长发的硬汉活跃在自行车赛场。
The 1993 Klein Adroit featured in thisedition of Now THAT Was a Bike was assembled by Martin Kozaczek of Second SpinCycles, built up to mirror the bike that Tinker Juarez raced to his first WorldCup victory at Mount St. Anne. Although the frame isn't the actual one thatTinker raced on, according to Martin it was likely one of the team's backups,and its rarity is further increased thanks to the original custom paint job.After the 1993 season Tinker went on to firmly cement his legend status bygarnering multiple national titles for cross-country and 24-hour races, andeven now, after over 40 years of racing, the dreadlocked hardman is still aforce to be reckoned with on two wheels.