◆◆◆◆◆◆◆lovetequila aka seatequila◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
:Michael Owen Rosenbaum
Michael Rosenbaum has displayed his versatility as an actor by tackling diverse roles. Equally adept at comedy and drama, Rosenbaum has played characters ranging from a transvestite to a crazed fraternity boy to the intriguing Lex Luthor. In addition to his wide range of talent in front of the camera, this gifted actor is also a skillful writer and voice-over artist. Plus, he recently sold a script to Fox based on his childhood.
In development now.
作为一个演员,Michael Rosenbaum (MR) 扮演了各种不同的角色彰显了他多方面的能力。Rosenbaum在喜剧和戏剧方面都同样让人受落,他扮演了一个从异装癖到男同学会里的疯小子再到迷人的Lex Luthor。除了在摄像机前才华横溢,他还是个经验丰富的作家和配音演员。另外,他最近还把关于自己童年的一篇剧本卖给了FOX。
Since the fall of 2001, Rosenbaum has starred as Lex Luthor in the highly successful WB series, Smallville, based on the original "Superman" concept. Following the story of the teenage Clark Kent in Smallville, the series shows the dynamic beginning of the relationships between Clark Kent, Lana Lang and Lex Luthor. For the role, Rosenbaum shaved his head and transformed himself into the spoiled, well-to-do son and future Superman arch-nemesis. His portrayal of Lex has garnered the attention of critics and fans alike. Shot in Vancouver, the one-hour series also stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, John Schneider and Annette O'Toole.
自2001年以来,Rosenbaum就在WB(华纳兄弟)相当成功的一部以超人为题材的电视剧Smallville中扮演Lex Luthor。Smallville是关于年轻时代Clark Kent的故事。里面讲述了Clark Kent,Lana Lang和Lex Luthor充满活力的开始。为了此角色,Rosenbaum剃光了头发,把自己演变成一个被宠坏的富家子弟,并且成为后来超人的主要报复者。他对Lex的描绘,均引起吹毛求疵的评论家以及粉丝们注意力。这部一小时的电视剧集在Vancouver拍摄,同台演出的还有Tom Welling,Kristin Kreuk, John Schneider和AnnetteO‘Toole.
◆◆◆◆◆◆◆lovetequila aka seatequila◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
:Michael Owen Rosenbaum
Michael Rosenbaum has displayed his versatility as an actor by tackling diverse roles. Equally adept at comedy and drama, Rosenbaum has played characters ranging from a transvestite to a crazed fraternity boy to the intriguing Lex Luthor. In addition to his wide range of talent in front of the camera, this gifted actor is also a skillful writer and voice-over artist. Plus, he recently sold a script to Fox based on his childhood.
In development now.
作为一个演员,Michael Rosenbaum (MR) 扮演了各种不同的角色彰显了他多方面的能力。Rosenbaum在喜剧和戏剧方面都同样让人受落,他扮演了一个从异装癖到男同学会里的疯小子再到迷人的Lex Luthor。除了在摄像机前才华横溢,他还是个经验丰富的作家和配音演员。另外,他最近还把关于自己童年的一篇剧本卖给了FOX。
Since the fall of 2001, Rosenbaum has starred as Lex Luthor in the highly successful WB series, Smallville, based on the original "Superman" concept. Following the story of the teenage Clark Kent in Smallville, the series shows the dynamic beginning of the relationships between Clark Kent, Lana Lang and Lex Luthor. For the role, Rosenbaum shaved his head and transformed himself into the spoiled, well-to-do son and future Superman arch-nemesis. His portrayal of Lex has garnered the attention of critics and fans alike. Shot in Vancouver, the one-hour series also stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, John Schneider and Annette O'Toole.
自2001年以来,Rosenbaum就在WB(华纳兄弟)相当成功的一部以超人为题材的电视剧Smallville中扮演Lex Luthor。Smallville是关于年轻时代Clark Kent的故事。里面讲述了Clark Kent,Lana Lang和Lex Luthor充满活力的开始。为了此角色,Rosenbaum剃光了头发,把自己演变成一个被宠坏的富家子弟,并且成为后来超人的主要报复者。他对Lex的描绘,均引起吹毛求疵的评论家以及粉丝们注意力。这部一小时的电视剧集在Vancouver拍摄,同台演出的还有Tom Welling,Kristin Kreuk, John Schneider和AnnetteO‘Toole.