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Analysis of Hester Prynne’s Quality in The Scarlet Letter


This chapter mainly shows her pursuit of love, theattitude to the trial as well as the struggle for her daughter's custody. Thesebehaviors in the society at that time are extremely rare. The spirit ofrebellion is the most prominent part in the quality of Hester Prynne.
A. Her Pursuit of Unworldly Love
As the heroine of The Scarlet Letter, seeing from the work's revealed signs, HesterPrynne is a woman with strong rebellious spirits. Young Hester is tall and peerlessly graceful. Her hair is black, thick and sparklesin the sun. Her face skin is goodand has handsome brows, and she has a pair of deep black eyes which are verylovely. Unfortunately, when she stilldoesn't know how to choose her Mr. Right, she marries a deformity - an oldscholar Chilling worth, thus begins her tragic life. The marriage between them is not outof love and there is not any emotional resonance. Hester and Chilling worth’s marriageis not a natural one and even an insult for Hester, which cannot meet herdesire for true love and eventually leads her to a true one.
Hester used to be a naive girl, but heryouth "decay" and is buried in this marriage because she and Chillingworthforms "a false and unnatural relations", and her marriage becomessocial ethics shackles which causes an opposition of her spirit and a conflictbetween humanity and ethics and between nature and society. With the development of the story,Hester grows an increasing awareness though Chillingworth "persuasive lether believe in him she is happy".
During the days in Boston, Hester met a youngpastor Dimmesdale. The strongest passions arises and love happens between them,however, it is impossible for this kind of love under that social system,religion and law to end in a lawful marriage. Inthis case, she chooses the brave struggle to win her happiness. This shows her pursuit of happymarriage and her religious spirit for the regime.
In order to protect the beloved person,Hester refuses to say the name of the man and determines to bear all the blameand punishment. When the priestforces her to say the name of the adulterer and ensures that she can escapefrom punishment, Hester says firmly:"I don't say! It is toodeeply branded, you can't take it off, I wish I can bear my pain, it can alsoendure his suffering! ". Sheis so brave to bear all the guilt of the words and deeds in the world,believing that she and the minister's love is pure, and she is willing tosacrifice a woman's self-esteem for her lover.
Out of the extraordinary courage andstrong love, she makes the decision to give birth to their baby. Though peoplearound accused Hester of being impure, she does neither conceal her crime norgive up on her baby in order to win the support of others, so she is morecourageous and noble!
B. Her Unbowed Attitude to the Trial
Hester's attitude towards the trial alsoshows her rebellious side. Whenindifferent warder pushes her out from the prison door, she repels him, by anaction marked with natural dignity and force of character, and steps into theopen air, as if by her own free will. Shetakes the baby on her arm with a burning blush and a haughty smile, as well asa brave and unabashed glance around her townspeople and neighbors. In different scenes about Hester, theauthor portrayed the character by describing her mental activity in detail, forexample, in this scene, as a Puritan, Hester is in agony, it seems she feelspain in every step with the others spit and trample. "Hester, here,through the inner feelings, reveals her psychological pain. Later, with the scene changing, Hestergradually became stronger. Thetrial is completed," she gazed, showing a weary, indifferent look." Sheendures every pain and suffering in the world. And with an amazing perseverancefor embarrassment and shame that inspired by the frenzied anger of peoplearound, Hester shows a tired, indifferent and cold expression to disguise herburning pain, which is an embodiment of her personality. And even when thepainless gradually become stronger and stronger, she is still full of spirit ofresistance.
What's more, on the breast of her gown, infine red cloth, appeared the letter A which is surrounded with an elaborateembroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread. It is so artistically done and of gorgeousfancy that it is a decoration to the clothes she wears, and the beauty surprisesthe audience around a lot, though greatly beyond what is allowed by theregulations of the colony. Hesterfearlessly shows her clothes especially the bright scarlet letter pattern,although this causes more hatred than accomplishment among the crowd, she stilldoes so because she is unafraid. And this is a reflection of her innerrebellion which can also be shown on her appearance. Hester Prynne in the trial would ratherbear all the pain and suffering than say the name of the baby’s father, herpersistence can also be regarded as a sign of rebellion.
C. HerStriving for Her Daughter’s Custody
Infact, Hester Prynne always has a rebellious heart. Though the scarlet she wearsin the chest which looks like a cross is a symbol of shame, it is sobeautifully made like a piece of art. Besides, she dresses Pearl with extremelybright and brilliant clothes. Inshort, as long as there is an opportunity, she will fully demonstrate theirpersonalities which misfit the social order.
Themother and daughter will be poorly apart when the governor and the minister intendto take Pearl away from her, so Prynne defies strongly by arguing that shethinks it is contrary to human nature and purpose of Christian charity. In the thirteenth chapter, Hawthornealso mentions the similar content:" in the child's education, mother'senthusiasm for thinking has been carried on. Godwill be the little girl over to Hester, also are the female germ and flowersgiven to her." When the Governor Bellingham insists separate Pearl and hermother, she gives a fierce look to the old Puritan governor. She is alone and is abandoned by theworld, and only this baby daughter can keep her alive. Therefore, she strongly resists thisarrangement. In the end, Prynne gains the custody of her daughter, and thiscould be regarded as her second victory in rebellion. .
PearlPrynne’s image also implies the author’s support for Hester. Pearl is the crystallization of love ofDimondale and Prynne. She is like a stream, like a jumping red elf in the darkand gloomy Puritan society, and her bright clothes are a symbol of revolt ofthe society. The clothes Prynne makes for Pearl always used the most luxurious material, sowhen Pearl puts on them, she looks extremely brilliant and beautiful. Pearl is notonly a symbol of human’s pursuit of happiness, but also a symbol of the future whichis full of hope. Her innocence islike a bright candle shining in dark night .In fact she is an incarnation ofPearl Prynne to rebel against the dark society. Therefore, Hester Prynne fights forher daughter 's custody not only because the mother is not willing to separatefrom her daughter which is a mother's nature, but also because she wants to fightagainst the society by raising her daughter. Iflittle Pearl lives better under her protection, it will prove thatlittle Pearl's life is valuable, as well as shows that Hester Prynne's pursuitof love is meaningful.
Hester strongly resisted every suffering,never to complain and never beg for mercy and forgiveness of others. She is eager to live a normal life,clinging to the true love. She daresto accept new ideas and show them in front of the evil spirit of others. After the humiliation, she chooses tobear the pain of life and never beg for any sympathy of others. Even if someone receives her help and intendsto show a little mercy to her, she is not willingly to accept but put herfinger on The Scarlet Letter asa sign of refuse. “She refuses to take a solitary view of human customs, andall the priests and the lawmakers established. She criticizes the pastor of theribbon, the black robe, neck Hand fetter, the gallows, family and church, andso on. Her fate and experienceanti made her an increasingly free.” Herrebellion gives her a certain freedom, and she is sure that the love and lifewhich she had insisted on are worth something in return.
II. Hester Prynne’s Perseverance
Hester Prynne isable to insist the spirit in the oppression and discrimination, and looks afterlittle Pearl to grow up even though her heart is always in pain and suffering,which are all out of her perseverance.She suffers from accused gossip of the peoplearound them and struggles hard to make a living on their hands, but she doesnot escape and yield, this perseverance also humbles the men in the patriarchalsociety.
A . Her Courage of Facing the Trial
In front of difficulties and humiliation,she does not bow, but looks boldly at her neighbor and takes it leisurely,showing a natural dignity and personality strength. Though having theexperience of shame in others’ eyes, she does not give up life. Her actions areneither humble nor pushy, and she shows that she is a revolting lady instead ofa pathetic surrender, it is this self-affirmation support Hester tremendouspain and suffering, in all the blame sound hard to survive and began a newlife. The first thing to do is tobring down the whole society, the system re contribution. Secondly, the nature of man, or a manwho has become a long-term genetic habit, then must be the fundamentaltransformation of women enjoying a reasonable approximation to a female. Unless you first experienced a greatchange, she will be able to enjoy these preliminary reform victories. Hester does, but also to do so, fromthe beginning of the novel Hester's personality has been fully reflected. She dares bold defiance and challengeto the Puritan law and the world vulgar, her perseverance against religiousoppressions, thus to show a strong vitality. Women wear a symbol of adultery Aword, but she does not suffer and depressed, but to refuse to be cowed orsubmit it is this struggle, strong and brave to face the burning shame andhumiliation so that Hester has established a new life in all eyes and ridicule.
Hester Prynne is a dare to resist the fateof life rights of the brave woman. She dares to believe herself, daring tobelieve that morality is the possibility of a new world, daring to believe thatthey have the power of love and power. Ina public trial that Hester does not burn shame and humiliation, in the fall,destined to endure the leaden pressure, she feels all the strength from time totime with screams from the scaffold to the ground swoops down to do it. When she goes to the front of theaudience, people are surprised to find that she is not in the pale the disasterin the cloud, it flashes a very beautiful light. The scene makes the bold beautifulexotic clothing that she holds the mood. Childhoodfling caution to the winds, throw the helve after the hatchet said at thebeginning, Hester has been completely reflected personality, she dares tochallenge the laws and customs of the pilgrims. Hawthorne grips the protagonist of thegame when all sorts of expression and inner mental activity, sketches out arich, complex Change, a new period of seventeenth Century England justcolonized the courage to pursue freedom and happiness of female images.
The process of Hester's life is reflectedin the pursuit of life. By theinhuman punishment in public on the stage, Hester does not stop the pursuit oflife and not to stop the pursuit of love. Sheis struggling with an indomitable spirit with the religious forces ofoppression, to show women's own people have a goodness of strong vitality. Under the burning shame andhumiliation punishment, Puritan forces her to wear a symbol of lifelongadultery word in his chest. Butshe is not so depressed, she does not fall, no escape, no Dutch act, butquietly with the powerful and cruel Puritan forces refuse to be cowed orsubmit. She dares to face herhusband and he argued, daring to insist on himself as a normal human being,especially as a woman there. Onthe stage of punishment in her later life, the more conscious, the more sacredand independent personality she has.
B. Her Attitude on theLife
Since the forced penalty station scaffold and the wear symbolizehumiliation of The Scarlet Letter"A", Hester Prynne and Pearl have been without complaint, they livein a humble cottage, facing contempt and oppression, facing deportation andisolation. The magic of The Scarlet Letter makes Hester lose andthe normal relationship between people and they don't belong to the society,people left out in the cold and ruthless will she enclosed in an only belong tothe world of her, but she cannot always engraved with the outside society whichoccurs countless connection. Originally to make a living, Hester has to go tothe town up embrace needlework by hands honest labor to earn money to feedherself and her daughter. With the passion of expression of needlework isthe old woman only engaged in textile, sewing and embroidery work. On the face ofit, the needlework on Hester's self-reliant and raising her daughter's lifemeans, in fact, from a deeper meaning, it is art; Hester is also the emotionsand passion. "She hasOriental love luxury beauty; the beauty of love, in her current life, inaddition to the delicate needlework has been met no other way. Women fromdoing meticulous needlework have fun. This is a man who cannot understand. To Hester, doneedlework is probably a passion for life, therefore, to her relief. She does notchoose to leave Boston, but with a pearl in the shame of the land, not in placeof crime punished, but in order to protect in the vicinity of the lover. In the sevenlong years, Prynne life on the edge of the Puritan society by sewing work tomaintain their livelihood, independent to provoke the burden of raising apearl, and use their own unique way to educate her to grow up healthily.
Perseverance is Hester against theoppression of Puritan society. Althoughthe most tenacious bear the name of an adulteress, she will never give up indifficult agony gradually grows into an independent, independent thinking,independent choice of the brave women. Manyyears later, she returns to the place which symbolizes Hester return to societyto a certain extent. Peopleespecially women come to her house they will, sorrow and trouble to talk toher, ask her for advice. "Hester"to their comfort and persuasion, and solemnly told them: she believed that whenthe world gradually matured, a bright era, in a more reliable basis to ensuremutual happiness, establishes the whole the relationship between men and women. "Everyone is a social person, cannot be isolated from the society, otherwise, his / her life is of no value andmeaning. Hester from abandoned bysociety, to the suffering of loneliness and personal thinking Happiness and themeaning of life is closely related to the whole society to the whole process ofthe final return to society on this point.
C. Her Inspiration to the Minister
Dimmesdale as a minister, respected by local people, contraryto the moral norm that he respected, and married Hester Prynne had an affair,he is a more despised person and unexpectedly dares not stand up and takeresponsibility for his actions. AsPrynne trust and the suffering of the people, Dimmesdale is undoubtedly selfishwhich is hypocritical. He notonly deceives the God and the public, but also lives up to the willing to aperson to suffer humiliation of Hester Prynne. Therefore, the author makes him by upto 7 years, more brutal than publicly punished the flesh and the spirit ofself-torture.
In TheScarlet Letter at the beginning, middle and end, there are three guillotinescenes. The three scenes areHester and Dimmesdale show themselves provide a stage. In the first scene, Hester is forcedto publicly announced her shame, showing noble qualities and evil courage. Alone with her compared to Dimmesdale,he asks Hester to expose his criminal companions. At this moment, he is in a nicehobble. On the one hand, he wouldprefer Hester to say his name because, as he said, from a high down, standingon the base of shame to sit on, instead of hiding a guilty heart will bebetter. On the other hand, he islack of courage like Hester, he is afraid of being exposed. Therefore, when waiting for theverdict, he unconsciously put his hand over his head, there seems to be noeffort to hide the invisible shame when he believed Hayes. When he won't say his name, he drawsback and takes a deep breath. Throughthe description, we can know that he does not have the courage to choose lifefor himself. He relies onHester's choice that reflects the patriarchal principle, and loss ofsubjectivity personality. In thesecond scene, Dimmesdale is standing on the gallows. When he calls the secret Confessionsof Hester and pearl with him with the guillotine, that he feels a loud attackon a new life, like a torrent into his heart, accelerate all his emotions.However, when the pastor Hester found weak, his courage has been completely destroyed,she is shocked. This situationcame back from the guillotine, Hester finds him that she has the right toobtain the greatest help. AndHester seems to see that she has a responsibility for the priest. Obviously, the woman behind the mantradition has been thoroughly destroyed by the sea, Hester's courage andDimmesdale's weakness are in stark contrast, further illustrates that she isnot the object of the status.
In order to save Dimmesdale, Hesterdecides to reveal his true identity to Chillingworth. Because things brought to light,Dimmesdale is shocked, he once again allows Hester choose life for him. But he is so incompetent that withoutthe slightest effort to prop, Hester has become the only to save him from thedesperate. Hester suggests that heflees to distant Europe to end the suffering of his life, so he accepts theadvice. Rely on means losingDimmesdale as patriarchal system gives the subjective position of a manpossessed. Dimmesdale finishes his last sermon in Hester's arms. Through these three cases, Hawthorneproves that the infinite power of Hester, and her prominent personality whichis far more than the woman as a guest Body traditional species. Dimmesdaletimid pointed out the Hawthorne tries to the men in the patriarchal society andthe advantage of weakened as inferior. Inthis way, Hawthorne completely overturned by the patriarchal clan system todevelop a symbol of identity.
III. HesterPrynne’s Goodness
Hester has the goodness of human nature, as thepilgrim's pursuit of love but also with a confession of the mood to live, toothers to do good deeds, and ultimately the world's body mass. Her husband'sinner evil is more to bring out her goodness, though she cannot be with the minister at last, she gets freedom and her daughter’s happinessbecause of her goodness.
A . HerConfession to Her Own Behavior
Hester desires to pursue a happy life, butnot completely get rid of the religious thought of her bound and imprison,which stems from human goodness. She is well aware of love and"sacredness" itself, but that are her actions which violates thereligious precepts, in the presence of God, they are evil. She wears the word "A"clearly tells her that if she is guilty, so those people around her bodyregardless of social status or rank, also is crime. She can always make the people who donot like herself believe her.
Hester meets Dimmesdale by chance thatgives her a moment of comfort, it has brought a great deal of pain, shebelieves in that brief encounter, she again made sin ". Religious thought deep in her heart,she tries to break it to imprisonment and in strode the first step, but in theend still cannot get rid of it. Then, she suffers torture to day in and dayout, without a murmur, trying to convince myself that it will cleanse her soul. When strangers look at her scarletletter or when to throw the apple red pearl practical joke, she feels the painof trying not to the imprint is engraved on her heart and hand to block it,because she believes, "Only in this difficult to say the pain in order tobetter fulfill their penance". Howpathetic! Readers can see fromher longing for a happy marriage and has strong religious thought influencewoman struggling, she sometimes battle cry, and a desperate cry, even doeshelpless ups and downs in the sea of life.
Since she can't get rid of guilt, firmlybelieve that the existence of God, she is afraid of God to punish her,especially fears the punishment fell on her only baby pearl body. Every day she care-laden grows step bystep in watching the child's personality, lest discover some gloomy or wildways, namely those who produce consistent this proclivity the life of evil. Although she dimly aware of women'sLiberation of the source of the overthrow of the entire social system,mistakenly believe her suffering is caused by the activity of her own. She does not completely believe inreligion, or even negative attitude to religious law rules, but she hopes herdaughter can become a devout Christian. Itseems that as long as the Pearl in strict accordance with the Puritanregulations acts, as they can avoid that fate.
Hester during the 7 years of her life inhumiliation, aloof, though she has some bold ideas, even she can be very calmattitude to society's external rules. Itis entirely because of pearl. Onthe one hand, pearl is in her life as her mother's warm comfort, all venting inthe education of children, then diluting the pursuit of their own. On the other hand, because of thePearl of love, she is not willing to own acts endangering children, which comesfrom her maternal love and goodness. Hesterin every day of their behavior, and always moderate confession, daughter'seducation and behavior, and she does not want to let her daughter made the samemistake myself because of this. Itis a goodness of spiritual suffering!
B. HerHelp to Others
Sinceshe forces penalty station scaffold and the wear that symbolizes humiliation ofThe Scarlet Letter "a",Hester Prynne has been without complaint and Pearl life in a humble cottage,facing contempt and oppression, facing deportation and isolation. Hester Prynne shuttles back and forth bravelyin the town alone, for others woven garment for a living, live in the mostsimple, wearing the colors of the dark denim clothes. At this time her life as apostles ofChrist general, humiliation, good deeds, eventually with goodness andbenevolence affect the people.
Herneedlework is the first to make a living; Hester has to go to town atneedlework, with honest money with labor hands to support herself and herdaughter. She also puts money allused in the charity, "as long as she can meet to grace when sheimmediately admits that she is human for sisters. Every requirement of the poor, who arenot so convenient she takes out a weak food aid, although those hard heartedpoor will to her often to the door, her fingers with embroidery robes woveninto clothing with abuse. Hester'sstrong will of life and good nature touched people, many people are no longerthe original significance to explain the red A word, and they said that themeaning of the word is" competent ", is" angel "." Hester with the innate strength ofcharacter and extraordinary ability in life as well as get the roles they play. "At the same time, Hester's lifehas from feelings of warm type steering type thinking. "In her time, bold overthrow andrectification is used to connect many ancient moral principles and prejudicesof the system as a whole. ”Hesterabsorbs the spirit, she adopts a free attitude to consider the human female,because the male consciousness is not her spiritual law. Hester's heart in the male than The Scarlet Letter evil rulers it alsoassumes more serious is: "First of all, the whole society is to knock downsystem. To start construction;secondly, the nature of man, or man has become the long-term genetic nature ofthe habits, must be the fundamental transformation when women enjoy fair andreasonable approximate position. Inthis sense, Hester is a feminist, because her personal history gave rise to thedevelopment of the whole human race progress and height; at the same time wemust also be aware of the feminist tendencies of Hawthorne revealed in thenovel. Hester not only earned herrespect and understanding, but also let her get certain freedom and women'spower.
Although at the trial people on Hesteracrimony and after the trial to take away her beloved daughter pearl, she doesnot hate people, she is also not far from the land, and lending a hand whenpeople in need. She and herdaughter's life is not rich, she still tries to do good, this is a source onthe goodness of her heart and repent for the things she had done wrong. Eventually the lonely and strong womanwith her goodness in cumulative years moved the local people. Her goodness gives the image of womenmore brilliant. This goodness isworthy of the world to learn and praise.
C. Her Prevention of Her Husband’s Evil
HesterPrynne is a kind, beautiful girl in Britain, unfortunately married"moribund, psychological distortions, wrinkled, almost impotent"hypocrisy scholars Chillingworth. Chillingworthis all day into his study, the wife's lack of concern for life without theslightest enthusiasm. "Hester'sbody is long and it is perfect to the extreme, a head of thick black hair; lookdignified and beautiful, charming, curved eyebrow and deep black eyes absorbthe human heart and soul." ①It is obvious that this is a veryreasonable marriage. Hester hasbecome the marriage victim. Insuch a marriage, her youth and beauty have been devastated. Her mind is by the deep depression. She became aware of this kind ofmarriage is to insult her and play. Therefore,Hester chooses "adultery" such extreme and unreasonable marriage struggle. After marriage, moved to Boston on theway, Hester's husband Chillingworth was missing Krupp, for two years did notreturn. In solitude, Hester loveyouth pastor Dimmesdale, when two people are in love and the crystallization oflove -- Pearl.
Chillingworth comes to Boston, even knows the adultery newsbetween Dimmesdale and Hester. Asa husband, Chillingworth does not stand Hester's shame, but he requires Hesterto conceal his true identity. Evenfor the maintenance as a face for her husband, as a husband to keeppower.Chillingworth also decides to take nasty revenge Hester and her lover -Ding Metz Dyer. Seven yearslater, Hester witnesses the damage to Dimmesdale from Chillingworth, andDimmesdale is in struggle, she decides to stand firmly on her husband said:"I have to debunk this the secret, he must see the true face of you."In Hester and Chillingworth'smarriage, the female is in the traditional role of the subsidiary position beupended Hawthorne. Chillingworthextreme selfishness and Hester brave to form sharp contrast. From and Chillingworth married tounreasonable marriage against and from of Chillingworth's concession to comeforward to stop the persecution of his, Hester brave behavior that she hasenough willpower and mind to her ex-husband and marriage strong blow. Hester’srebelled against highlighting the thought of her awakening of feministconsciousness.
Hester is good and she is in love with theminister, although the minister has not stand out to protect her and herdaughter, she is still didn't have the heart to Dimmesdale watchingChillingworth torture was haggard, physical and mental suffering, her courageand kindness made him dare to stand up and Chillingworth confrontation, finallyChillingworth in long-term feelings of revenge died, little Pearl inherited hisproperty, this has to say is a satire of the Chillingworth evil, but also tothe patriarchal society to a certain impact at that time. What's more, Hester's goodness andChillingworth's evil contrasts, it foils Hester's goodness, making people feelthat she is honorable as well.

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