Excuse me is this seat taken?
No it is not taken.
Let me help you with this
Thank you.
Do you want to sit by the window?
No ,i like the aisle seat better,please,you sit by the window.
My name is who,pleased to meet you,
I am Ellen. Nice to meet you too.
Do you live in new York?
No,i am from Florida.
I am too ,but didn't you just get on?
No,the men next to me was smoking.and smoke really bothers me.
Where are you from in florida?
It is near the Orlando ,
Small world,i am from there too,
Really?what part?
By halo
No it is not taken.
Let me help you with this
Thank you.
Do you want to sit by the window?
No ,i like the aisle seat better,please,you sit by the window.
My name is who,pleased to meet you,
I am Ellen. Nice to meet you too.
Do you live in new York?
No,i am from Florida.
I am too ,but didn't you just get on?
No,the men next to me was smoking.and smoke really bothers me.
Where are you from in florida?
It is near the Orlando ,
Small world,i am from there too,
Really?what part?
By halo