V0.36 – New cave(新洞穴), Unblocked sinkhole(天坑解封), Side platform building(新的平台边缘建造物), Improved options menu(优化设置菜单), New Timmy drawings(Timmy的新画出现), Rock thrower converted to multi-item thrower(投石机升级成可以投掷多钟物品的投掷装置), bug fixing and lots more(修复了一堆BUG,等等). Hey Everyone, This patch unblocks the hole at bottom of sinkhole, allowing access into a new cave below. We’ve also removed all the blocking collision from sinkhole, so you’re now free to jump down to your death, or alternatively try building a staircase downwards, or platforms using the new side platform building which can attach to cliffs without needing a foundation built. The rock thrower has been converted to the multi-thrower and can now throw many more items, including explosives and molotovs! Timmy drawings found in caves can now be collected and will be stored in inventory. After equipping them you can place them on built walls as decorations. We’ve also added a new multiplayer standup revive animation, smoothed out some jerky mp animations, added some new audio, fixed a ton of bugs and lots more, for the full list view: As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub 上面说的就是标题里的更新内容:天坑蹦极自杀不再是梦想,投石车不再挑食燃烧瓶炸弹随便扔,坑底的未开发区已然开放,可以依托悬崖边建造新的建筑物(叫什么Side platform,找不到好的中文称呼以后再想),此物不再依托地基(Foundation)就可建造,主角儿子(Timmy)的画可拾起,能当作装饰品摆在墙上,多人模式增加了新的复活动画,优化了游戏的流畅性等等
版本后带字母一般就是这版本出了比较影响游戏性的BUG,弄出来修复下,0.36b修复的基本就是那个新出的平台,内容我简单说说: 修复了新出的那个平台能固定在所有物体上的BUG,修复了平台不能放置时虚影会是红色的,修复了身体掉落的音效错误造成的静音和卡顿,修复了新平台放置时可能会在某些情况下自毁的BUG。 附原文: V0.36b - Hotfix Hey Everyone, Here’s a small hotfix for some issues with last night's patch, mostly related to the new platform building. Fixed issue with some partially built platform meshes rendering on top of everything else (multiplayer)Fixed platform cost being higher than it should be in some circumstances depending where placed on terrain Fixed platforms red tint when not placeable Fixed issue with body drop sound effect erroring causing slight stutter and missing sound Fixed some issues with placement of platform breaking under some cases