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[Beak Se Ju]
There's not even a single person who's on my side.When it seems like every person in the world hates me... She, who it seemed like everyone in the world liked her, liked me.If it was just that, no matter what anyone else said.Even if they told me they wish I wasn't born, people who just wanted me to die already...That girl loved me.It was for that one reason, I could continue living.
If anyone looks at us and wants ridicules me saying it's only a physical relationship, they can do that if they want.
Obsession.Foolishness. Mistakes.Greedy.Offensive.
It doesn't matter what they call me.
I don't need anything else, so everyone can just piss the fuck off!Why can't I even love one person the way I want to?

来自Android客户端1楼2016-04-07 01:10回复
    你们说她不值也好,说她病态也好……但,秀敏是世珠的精神寄托啊……是她不放弃的理由啊,是她好好活下去的希望啊 不管现在的秀敏变成了什么样子……在世珠心里,她一直还是那个单纯爱着她的秀敏啊。

    来自Android客户端14楼2016-04-07 14:39

      来自Android客户端18楼2016-04-08 17:19

        来自Android客户端21楼2016-04-14 17:20