Dim ux, uy, x1, y1
Dim a1, a2, a3, a4
ux = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionX
uy = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionY
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\坐标.bmp",0.95,zuobiaoX,zuobiaoY
If zuobiaoX > 0 And zuobiaoY > 0 Then
x1 = zuobiaoX
y1 = zuobiaoY
a1 = zuobiaoX - 920
a2 = zuobiaoY + 65
a3 = zuobiaoX - 810
a4 = zuobiaoY + 95
i = 0
a = 2000
Call 大漠注册()
Call 刷胜场()
End If
Sub 刷胜场()
Call 房间到期()
MoveTo x1 - 400, y1 + 550
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
MoveTo x1 + 30, y1 + 70
LeftClick 1
i = i + 1
Delay 150
If (i Mod a) = 0 Then
Delay 2000
FindPic 0, 0, ux, uy, "Attachment:\刷新.bmp", 1, shuaxX, shuaxY
If shuaxX > 0 And shuaxY > 0 Then
MoveTo shuaxX + 10, shuaxY + 10
Delay 1000
LeftClick 3
End If
Call 刷胜场()
End If
Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("已完成第"&i&"次刷胜场")
Call 刷胜场()
End Sub
Sub 房间到期()
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\定时.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX < 0 And intY < 0 Then
FindPic 0, 0, ux, uy, "Attachment:\刷新.bmp", 1, shuaxX, shuaxY
If shuaxX > 0 And shuaxY > 0 Then
MoveTo shuaxX + 10, shuaxY + 10
Delay 1000
LeftClick 3
End If
Delay 5000
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\俱乐部.bmp",1,jlbX,jlbY
If jlbX > 0 And jlbY > 0 Then
MoveTo jlbX+20,jlbY+10
LeftClick 2
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 500, y1 + 380
LeftClick 2
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 690, y1 + 415
LeftDown 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1, y1 + 415
LeftUp 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 390, y1 + 220
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
KeyPress "E", 5
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 440, y1 + 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
LeftClick 2
Delay 1000
Call 口令识别()
Call 房间到期()
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub 口令识别()
Delay 2000
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
base_path = dm.GetBasePath()
dm_ret = dm.SetPath(base_path)
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"俱乐部字库.txt")
s = dm.Ocr(a1,a2,a3,a4,"beb5b4-F0F070",1.0)
Call Plugin.Sys.SetCLB("" & s & "")
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\QQ头像.bmp",0.95,QQX,QQY
If QQX > 0 And QQY > 0 Then
MoveTo QQX+10, QQY+10
LeftClick 1
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 86, 1
KeyUp 17, 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Enter", 1
End If
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\360.bmp",1,llqX,llqY
If llqX > 0 And llqY > 0 Then
MoveTo llqX + 5, llqY + 5
Delay 1000
LeftClick 1
End If
Delay 2000
Call 判断是否坐下()
End Sub
Sub 判断是否坐下()
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\判定1.bmp",1,pdX,pdY
If pdX > 0 And pdY > 0 Then
Call 刷胜场()
End If
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\判定2.bmp",1,pdX,pdY
If pdX > 0 And pdY > 0 Then
Call 刷胜场()
Delay 500
Call 判断是否坐下()
End If
End Sub
Sub 大漠注册()
need_ver = "3.1233"
set ws=createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "regsvr32 atl.dll /s"
set ws=nothing
PutAttachment "c:\test_game","*.*"
PutAttachment ".\Plugin" ,"RegDll.dll"
Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg("c:\test_game\dm.dll")
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
ver = dm.Ver()
if ver <> need_ver then
set dm = nothing
set ws=createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "regsvr32 c:\test_game\dm.dll /s"
set ws=nothing
Delay 1500
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
ver = dm.Ver()
if ver <> need_ver then
messagebox "大漠注册失败"
end if
End If
End Sub
Dim a1, a2, a3, a4
ux = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionX
uy = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetScreenResolutionY
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\坐标.bmp",0.95,zuobiaoX,zuobiaoY
If zuobiaoX > 0 And zuobiaoY > 0 Then
x1 = zuobiaoX
y1 = zuobiaoY
a1 = zuobiaoX - 920
a2 = zuobiaoY + 65
a3 = zuobiaoX - 810
a4 = zuobiaoY + 95
i = 0
a = 2000
Call 大漠注册()
Call 刷胜场()
End If
Sub 刷胜场()
Call 房间到期()
MoveTo x1 - 400, y1 + 550
LeftClick 1
Delay 100
MoveTo x1 + 30, y1 + 70
LeftClick 1
i = i + 1
Delay 150
If (i Mod a) = 0 Then
Delay 2000
FindPic 0, 0, ux, uy, "Attachment:\刷新.bmp", 1, shuaxX, shuaxY
If shuaxX > 0 And shuaxY > 0 Then
MoveTo shuaxX + 10, shuaxY + 10
Delay 1000
LeftClick 3
End If
Call 刷胜场()
End If
Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("已完成第"&i&"次刷胜场")
Call 刷胜场()
End Sub
Sub 房间到期()
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\定时.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX < 0 And intY < 0 Then
FindPic 0, 0, ux, uy, "Attachment:\刷新.bmp", 1, shuaxX, shuaxY
If shuaxX > 0 And shuaxY > 0 Then
MoveTo shuaxX + 10, shuaxY + 10
Delay 1000
LeftClick 3
End If
Delay 5000
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\俱乐部.bmp",1,jlbX,jlbY
If jlbX > 0 And jlbY > 0 Then
MoveTo jlbX+20,jlbY+10
LeftClick 2
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 500, y1 + 380
LeftClick 2
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 690, y1 + 415
LeftDown 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1, y1 + 415
LeftUp 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 390, y1 + 220
LeftClick 1
Delay 500
KeyPress "E", 5
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 500
MoveTo x1 - 440, y1 + 500
LeftClick 1
Delay 2000
LeftClick 2
Delay 1000
Call 口令识别()
Call 房间到期()
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub 口令识别()
Delay 2000
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
base_path = dm.GetBasePath()
dm_ret = dm.SetPath(base_path)
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"俱乐部字库.txt")
s = dm.Ocr(a1,a2,a3,a4,"beb5b4-F0F070",1.0)
Call Plugin.Sys.SetCLB("" & s & "")
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\QQ头像.bmp",0.95,QQX,QQY
If QQX > 0 And QQY > 0 Then
MoveTo QQX+10, QQY+10
LeftClick 1
KeyDown 17, 1
KeyPress 86, 1
KeyUp 17, 1
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Enter", 1
End If
Delay 2000
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\360.bmp",1,llqX,llqY
If llqX > 0 And llqY > 0 Then
MoveTo llqX + 5, llqY + 5
Delay 1000
LeftClick 1
End If
Delay 2000
Call 判断是否坐下()
End Sub
Sub 判断是否坐下()
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\判定1.bmp",1,pdX,pdY
If pdX > 0 And pdY > 0 Then
Call 刷胜场()
End If
FindPic 0,0,ux,uy,"Attachment:\判定2.bmp",1,pdX,pdY
If pdX > 0 And pdY > 0 Then
Call 刷胜场()
Delay 500
Call 判断是否坐下()
End If
End Sub
Sub 大漠注册()
need_ver = "3.1233"
set ws=createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "regsvr32 atl.dll /s"
set ws=nothing
PutAttachment "c:\test_game","*.*"
PutAttachment ".\Plugin" ,"RegDll.dll"
Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg("c:\test_game\dm.dll")
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
ver = dm.Ver()
if ver <> need_ver then
set dm = nothing
set ws=createobject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.run "regsvr32 c:\test_game\dm.dll /s"
set ws=nothing
Delay 1500
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
ver = dm.Ver()
if ver <> need_ver then
messagebox "大漠注册失败"
end if
End If
End Sub