埙:Clay Vossel Flute
笙:Mouth Organ
笛:Transverse Flute or Bamoo Flute
琵琶:Pear-shaped Lute or Chinese Lute
三弦:Three-string Lute
阮:Long-necked Lute
扬琴:Struck Box Zither or Chinese Dulcimer
古筝:Half-tube Zither or Chinese zither
编钟:Collected Bronze Bells
云锣:Set of Small Bronze Bells
排鼓:Set of Medium-sized Barrel
十面锣:Set of Gongs
木鱼:Woodblock or Slitdrum
二胡:Two-string Fiddle
革胡:Large Four-string Fiddle
四胡:Four-string Fiddle