是谁打乱了浮生流年 像一把多情的剑
Who has disturbed the fleeting timeline, like a sword of affection?
斩断了寂寞 划破了黑夜
Cut through the forlorn; break through the darkness.
Bonds hold us in existence.
云清淡 白鹤远
Clouds aloft; Cranes distant.
青山如墨落画卷 古道仙尘渺云烟
Mountains as from scrolls descend. Paths divine; clouds' nebulae.
风中的笑谈 道出人世的真言
Jokes among the winds, reflecting the truths offhand.
一瞬间 沧海已桑田
Suddenly, all you've known has changed.
往事如烟 随风飘远
The past contends, with wind it scends.
无尽岁月 诉不尽情牵
Countless aeons, for bonds' assertion.
多少梦回 又见如初的容颜
In dream myriad, gaze upon the lovely face.
饮风共醉月 谈笑江湖间
Carouse-concurrent, laugh among the lands.
是谁打乱了浮生流年 像一把多情的剑
Who has disturbed the fleeting timeline, like a sword of affection?
斩断了寂寞 划破了黑夜
Cut through the forlorn; break through the darkness.
Bonds hold us in existence.
剑舞动 问苍天
Sword brandished to heavens;
青松醉卧云翩跹 笑看世事的变迁
Under trees, drunk, lying spanned; Viewing events small and grand.
谁默然一别 留下无声的诺言
Who had left-silent, leaving soundless agreement?
那一眼 将天涯忘却
That one glance, to brush away sky's edge.
往事如烟 随风飘远
The past contends, with wind it scends.
无尽岁月 诉不尽情牵
Countless aeons, for bonds' assertion.
多少梦回 又见如初的容颜
In dream myriad, gaze upon the lovely face.
饮风共醉月 谈笑江湖间
Carouse-concurrent, laugh among the lands.
Who has disturbed the fleeting timeline, like a sword of affection?
斩断了寂寞 划破了黑夜
Cut through the forlorn; break through the darkness.
Bonds hold us in existence.
云清淡 白鹤远
Clouds aloft; Cranes distant.
青山如墨落画卷 古道仙尘渺云烟
Mountains as from scrolls descend. Paths divine; clouds' nebulae.
风中的笑谈 道出人世的真言
Jokes among the winds, reflecting the truths offhand.
一瞬间 沧海已桑田
Suddenly, all you've known has changed.
往事如烟 随风飘远
The past contends, with wind it scends.
无尽岁月 诉不尽情牵
Countless aeons, for bonds' assertion.
多少梦回 又见如初的容颜
In dream myriad, gaze upon the lovely face.
饮风共醉月 谈笑江湖间
Carouse-concurrent, laugh among the lands.
是谁打乱了浮生流年 像一把多情的剑
Who has disturbed the fleeting timeline, like a sword of affection?
斩断了寂寞 划破了黑夜
Cut through the forlorn; break through the darkness.
Bonds hold us in existence.
剑舞动 问苍天
Sword brandished to heavens;
青松醉卧云翩跹 笑看世事的变迁
Under trees, drunk, lying spanned; Viewing events small and grand.
谁默然一别 留下无声的诺言
Who had left-silent, leaving soundless agreement?
那一眼 将天涯忘却
That one glance, to brush away sky's edge.
往事如烟 随风飘远
The past contends, with wind it scends.
无尽岁月 诉不尽情牵
Countless aeons, for bonds' assertion.
多少梦回 又见如初的容颜
In dream myriad, gaze upon the lovely face.
饮风共醉月 谈笑江湖间
Carouse-concurrent, laugh among the lands.