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Exclusive FirstLook: Dwyane Wade chills with George "Iceman" Gervin in newGatorade ad独家抢先看:韦德和“冰人”乔治格文一起在佳得乐新广告中爽玩
Hot Hot Hoops has the exclusive early look at the latestGatorade campaign featuring two cool cats, complete with photos from the setand interviews with Wade and Iceman.
Hot Hot Hoops掌握了由两个酷哥们参与拍摄的佳得乐新广告活动的独家一手资讯,全部图片来自韦德和冰人的现场拍摄和采访。

IP属地:江苏1楼2016-04-20 15:58回复
    Quick, name the two coolest NBA players to ever play the game,who embody what it means to be cool under pressure. Miami Heat superstar Dwyane Wade and NBA living legend George "TheIceman" Gervin are so cool it actually influenced their playing style andapproach to the game, so it only makes sense that they would team up for a newGatorade "Frost" ad campaign beginning today.

    IP属地:江苏2楼2016-04-20 16:06