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《Core Circadian Clock Genes Regulate Leukemia Stem Cells in AML》

1楼2016-04-20 23:48回复
    Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) have the capacity to selfrenew and propagate disease upon serial transplantation in animal models, and elimination of this cell population is required for curative therapies. Here, we describe a series of pooled, in vivo RNAi screens to identify essential transcription factors (TFs) in a murine model of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with genetically and phenotypically defined LSCs. These screens reveal the heterodimeric, circadian rhythm TFs Clock and Bmal1 as genes required for the growth of AML cells in vitro and in vivo. Disruption of canonical circadian pathway components produces anti-leukemic effects, including impaired proliferation, enhanced myeloid differentiation, and depletion of LSCs. We find that both normal and malignant hematopoietic cells harbor an intact clock with robust circadian oscillations, and genetic knockout models reveal a leukemiaspecific dependence on the pathway. Our findings establish a role for the core circadian clock genes in AML.

    2楼2016-04-21 00:03
      Atongsa译 2016 4 .21 ;她说那些药太贵了,不给买,不给玩,我也是醉了,你让我整天干嘛?我无话可说。我再问你几次,你别逼我翻脸。
      白血病干细胞有自我更新的能力,移植到动物模型后有致病能力,除去这群细胞是有效治疗所必需的。这篇文章里,我们做了一系列的体内实验,使用RNAi来鉴定带有AML- LSCs的小鼠模型中的关键转录因子。体内体外实验表明,生理节律转录因子Clock和Bmal1是AML细胞生长所必需的。破坏经典的节律通路的组成部分会产生白血病抗性,包括:白血病被削弱的增殖能力、提高骨髓分化能力、LSCs的减少。我们发现正常的造血细胞和癌化的造血细胞都含有保守的强健的昼夜节律行为。基因敲除模型反应了白血病细胞对于这一通路的特殊依赖。我们的发现阐述了关键的昼夜节律基因在AML发病机制中的角色。

      3楼2016-04-21 00:40