<茶水.艾特> //.最后我放弃了年少时所有的奢望,因为现在我只想做一个有趣的人,和我爱的你一起浪费人生. //.In the end I gave up all the hope that when I was young, because now I just want to be an interesting person, and I love you a waste of life. [不帮扣皮全凭手速抱歉.]
<皮相> //.总有一天,你的房间里会有我的照片,你的本子上会有我的笔迹,你的户口本上也会有我的名字. //. One day, your room will have my photos, your book will have my handwriting, you will have my account of my name. [自扣林允儿此层仅限本人回复.]
<请假.除名> //.三天不演绎者务必请假,不请假且不演绎超过一周者即除名. //.Three days without deduction must leave, don't leave without deduction for more than a week is removed. [姓名.原因.请假时长] [姓名.除名原因]
<END> //.在这个世界上,人们追求不一样的东西,也通过不同的方式来认识这个世界,比如有些人追求地位名利,有些人要有好多好多钱,有些人需要别人的爱戴和赞美,而我不一样,我追求的只有你,所以我想通过你爱我来认识这个世界. //.In this world, people's pursuit of different things, through different ways to understand the world, for example, some people in the pursuit of fame and fortune, some people to have lots of money, some people need someone else's love and praise, and I don't like, I pursue only you, so I want to know the world through your love me.