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Arcane Age Dragon Tales May 20 2016



IP属地:广东1楼2016-05-23 10:19回复
    Levels: 111-200
    Chapter 1 (2 Acts)
    1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
    2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
    Prize: 10,000 Firapples
    Chapter 2 (2 Acts)
    1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
    2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
    Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon
    Chapter 3 (3 Acts)
    1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
    2. Get 2 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 10Gold)
    3. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
    Prize:2,000Exp 10,000Coin
    Chapter 4 (3 Acts)
    1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
    2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
    3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
    Prize: 10 Mystic Map
    Chapter 5 (4 Acts)
    1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 15Gold)
    2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
    3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
    4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
    Prize: 12,000 Firapples
    Chapter 6 (4 Acts)
    1. Hatch a Fuzzy Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
    2. Harvest Buffbeets. (6). (Skip: 15Gold)
    3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
    4. Collect 75 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 30Gold)
    Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin
    Chapter 7 (5 Acts)
    1. Get 8 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 40Gold)
    2. Craft 1 Burning Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
    3. Have one Noble Crystal. (Skip: 10Gold)
    4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
    5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 72Gold)
    Prize: 1 Mage Dragon
    Chapter 8 (4 Acts)
    1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
    2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
    3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
    4. Craft 1 Freezing Essence. (Skip: 45Gold)
    Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence
    Chapter 9 (5 Acts)
    1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 18Gold)
    2. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
    3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
    4. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
    5. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 14. (Skip: 72Gold)
    Prize: 14,000 Firapples
    Chapter 10 (5 Acts)
    1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 12. (Skip: 195Gold)
    2. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
    3. Get 12 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 60Gold)
    4. Collect 120 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
    5. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
    Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon

    IP属地:广东2楼2016-05-23 10:20
      Levels 41-110
      Chapter 1 (2 Acts)
      1. Plant 3 Pumpwings. (Skip: 15Gold)
      2. Win 1 Battle Arena Match. (Skip: 24Gold)
      Prize: 7,500 Firapples
      Chapter 2 (2 Acts)
      1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
      2. Collect 50 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 20Gold)
      Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon
      Chapter 3 (2 Acts)
      1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 4. (Skip: 14Gold)
      2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
      Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin
      Chapter 4 (3 Acts)
      1. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
      2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
      3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
      Prize: 10 Mystic Map
      Chapter 5 (4 Acts)
      1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
      2. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
      3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
      4. Collect 60 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 42Gold)
      Prize: 10,000Firapples
      Chapter 6 (4 Acts)
      1. Harvest Pumpwings (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
      2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
      3. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
      4. Breed Forest Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
      Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin
      Chapter 7 (4 Acts)
      1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 40Gold)
      2. Hatch a Love Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
      3. Get 4 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 20Gold)
      4. Complete 1 Elemental Clash. (Skip: 15Gold)
      Prize: 1 Mage Dragon
      Chapter 8 (4 Acts)
      1. Harvest Firapples (6). (Skip: 36Gold)
      2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
      3. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
      4. Craft 1 Arcane Architecture. (Skip: 30Gold)
      Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence
      Chapter 9 (3 Acts)
      1. Win 4 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 99Gold)
      2. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
      3. Have one Elemental Altar. (Skip: 145Gold)
      Prize: 12,000 Firapples
      Chapter 10 (5 Acts)
      1. Raise your Mage Dragon to level 10. (Skip: 58Gold)
      2. Plant 5 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
      3. Get 8 Mysterious Energy.(Skip: 40Gold)
      4. Collect 80 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 55Gold)
      5. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
      Prize: 1 Prime Arcane Dragon

      IP属地:广东3楼2016-05-23 10:20
        Levels 15-40
        Chapter 1 (2 Acts)
        1. Plant 5 Buffbeets. (Skip: 12Gold)
        2. Harvest Buffbeets (5). (Skip: 18Gold)
        Prize: 5,000 Firapples
        Chapter 2 (2 Acts)
        1. Harvest Impruberries (5). (Skip: 12Gold)
        2. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
        Prize: 2,000Exp 10,000Coin
        Chapter 3 (2 Acts)
        1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
        2. Get 1 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 5Gold)
        Prize: 1 Apprentice Dragon
        Chapter 4 (2 Acts)
        1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 3. (Skip: 13Gold)
        2. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
        Prize: 10 Mystic Map
        Chapter 5 (3 Acts)
        1. Have one Spell Shop. (Skip: 5Gold)
        2. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
        3. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
        Prize: 7,500Firapples
        Chapter 6 (2 Acts)
        1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 5. (Skip: 15Gold)
        2. Breed Air Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
        Prize: 3,000Exp 15,000Coin
        Chapter 7 (3 Acts)
        1. Plant 6 Firapples. (Skip: 18Gold)
        2. Hatch a Life Dragon. (Skip: 49Gold)
        3. Collect 48 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 48Gold)
        Prize: 7,500Firapples
        Chapter 8 (3 Acts)
        1. Complete 1 Small Beginnings. (Skip: 12Gold)
        2. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 7. (Skip: 17Gold)
        3. Craft 1 Empty Essence. (Skip: 20Gold)
        Prize: 4 Burning Essence & 4 Freezing Essence
        Chapter 9 (4 Acts)
        1. Win 2 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 49Gold)
        2. Plant 6 Buffbeets. (Skip: 14Gold)
        3. Breed Magic Dragon with another dragon. (Skip: 20Gold)
        4. Collect 24 Runestones from Farming. (Skip: 24Gold)
        Prize: 1 Elemental Altar
        Chapter 10 (3 Acts)
        1. Raise your Apprentice Dragon to level 8. (Skip: 49Gold)
        2. Get 5 Mysterious Energy. (Skip: 25Gold)
        3. Win 3 Battle Arena Matches. (Skip: 74Gold)
        Prize: 1 Mage Dragon

        IP属地:广东4楼2016-05-23 10:21