电影结束的一霎那,Johathan Rhys-Meyers饰演的男主角望向窗外,屏幕一黑,字幕卷起,所有的观众心里都像是吞下了一块生猪肉,一时难以消化。直到十分钟后,大家才回过神来,那块生猪肉忽然煮熟了,不过味道却奇怪得很,百味杂陈,悲喜难辨。
Woody Allen的书房里,必然有一排陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说,而《罪与罚》和《白痴》,或许是常年摊开在案头的两本。
基本上,Woody Allen对于十九世纪小说形式的深刻体验,足以让任何一个大学教授汗颜,当所有人都把这些故纸摊当作上个世纪的经典隔岸观火的时候,他却能拍出一部当代版的十九世纪的故事。
-- The man who said, "I'd rather be lucky than good", saw deeply into life.
-- People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control.
-- I think it's important to be lucky in anything.
-- Well, I don't believe in luck, I believe in hard work.
-- Oh, hard work is mandatory, but I think everyone's afraid to admit what a big part luck plays. I mean it seems scintists are confirming more and more that all existence is here by bland chance. No purpose, no design.
-- Nola, be reasonable.
-- That's exactly what Tom said when he broke off our engagement, being reasonable got me where I am right now.
-- You can learn to push the guilt under the rug and... go on. You have to, otherwise it overwhelms you.
-- The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for a grander scheme. You were collateral damage.
-- This child will be great at anything he sets his mind to.
-- You know what? I don't care if he's great. I just hope he's lucky.
几乎每个文艺青年的理想生活和《Match Point》中的Chris 说的差不多: Wealth but not stuffy. Enjoying his fortune, having a great time, surporting the arts.
后来Chris 就重演了《罪与罚》的剧情,枪杀了老太太,估计他也是从这本小说得到的灵感(文艺青年们,看看你们的书都读到哪儿去了?)
Woody Allen的书房里,必然有一排陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说,而《罪与罚》和《白痴》,或许是常年摊开在案头的两本。
基本上,Woody Allen对于十九世纪小说形式的深刻体验,足以让任何一个大学教授汗颜,当所有人都把这些故纸摊当作上个世纪的经典隔岸观火的时候,他却能拍出一部当代版的十九世纪的故事。
-- The man who said, "I'd rather be lucky than good", saw deeply into life.
-- People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control.
-- I think it's important to be lucky in anything.
-- Well, I don't believe in luck, I believe in hard work.
-- Oh, hard work is mandatory, but I think everyone's afraid to admit what a big part luck plays. I mean it seems scintists are confirming more and more that all existence is here by bland chance. No purpose, no design.
-- Nola, be reasonable.
-- That's exactly what Tom said when he broke off our engagement, being reasonable got me where I am right now.
-- You can learn to push the guilt under the rug and... go on. You have to, otherwise it overwhelms you.
-- The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for a grander scheme. You were collateral damage.
-- This child will be great at anything he sets his mind to.
-- You know what? I don't care if he's great. I just hope he's lucky.
几乎每个文艺青年的理想生活和《Match Point》中的Chris 说的差不多: Wealth but not stuffy. Enjoying his fortune, having a great time, surporting the arts.
后来Chris 就重演了《罪与罚》的剧情,枪杀了老太太,估计他也是从这本小说得到的灵感(文艺青年们,看看你们的书都读到哪儿去了?)