DotA Allstars v6.54 Beta 13
Fixed some Toss anim/sound bugs 修改了小小投掷技能声音和动画上的一些BUG
Fixed Shallow Grave (cd was 200/175/150 not the intended 120/80/40) 暗牧的薄葬现在CD为200/175/150
Rebalanced Aphotic Shield 重新平衡无光之盾
Improved Borrowed Time 加强回光反照
RD rigged for SP and Abaddon
Fixed bonus ava damage doing a little less than it should
Fixed Toss working on ancients 投掷将对古树级单位有作用
Player turn indicator for RD has been made more clear (if its not your turn, the color indicators are faded)
PL, Invoker and Tiny don’t have to be in EVERY game, but they should be in most of them.
Dazzle and Abaddon should be in every game.
All 5 are rigged for RD.