"The studio gave me a personal trainer," he says. "Which is sort of fair enough because you don't want a flabby Darcy. But it was quite a shock. As soon as I wasn't in a scene, I'd be taken running round the park. And I was put on a low-fat diet. Every morning, this black cool-box would arrive with everything I was allowed to eat for the day. It was reassuring to find that I could get in shape quickly if I needed to, but it made you think about what women go through in this business."
“工作室给我个人开了一个座谈会, ”他说。 “这是一种非常好的相互交流的机会,因为你不想要一个肌肉松弛的达西,对我来说这是一个相当大的震动。在电影没有开机之前,我就开始在公园里跑步,吃低脂肪的食品。每天早上,这个黑色的冷藏箱里装好了我这天所有能吃的食品。这样就使我安心了,使我尽快瘦到我所要达到的目标。但这也许会使你想到这是妇女通常在这方面做的事情“ 。