Today 12:33 AM
A number of people have written racist comments
about the Chinese. Theseare appalling.
You can oppose eating dog on two
rationales: You are against eatinganimals altogether, or consider dogs to have a
special status. If you areagainst eating all animals, then eating dog is not
more sinister then eatingother types of meat, and there is no reason to single
out the Chinese. If youconsider dogs to have a special status, then the only
rational reason for thiswould be that dogs are intelligent animals; with that
intelligence comessensitivity and awareness.
The problem with the
intelligence argument is that pigs are sensitive creatures,and are believed to
be more intelligent than dogs or cats. The consumption ofdogs is no more cruel
than the consumption of pigs. If you are against eatingdogs, then you should
also be against eating pigs. In that case, there is norationale for singling out
the Chinese, since pigs are eaten throughout theWest and suffer in factory
Commenters are angry because they consider dogs to be pets. There is
nouniversal standard for designating certain animals as pets and others as
food.Those attacking the Chinese are trying to impose their own cultural
standardson another people, and are using animal rights as a cover for
One also should note that the article is about Chinese
activistsprotesting the dog meat festival. Even within China, there is not
universalagreement on which animals should be eaten and which should be
pets.Regardless, people are spewing out racist