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心愿 英文歌词翻译


为何在我身边 却不能相见
Why is it here you stand, elusive to my glances?
云的心 雨的愿 风中的誓言
The clouds' heart; rain's notion-promise among wind.
为何无法忘记 温柔的一眼
How can I forget of your sweet look back then?
人间沧海已桑田 我陪你到永远
Through the tumults of the lands, I'll be with you till the end.
花的诗 蝶的恋 此情永不变
Flowery poems; sprite's passion-ever will this love span.
剑的痴 琴的怨 一曲问苍天
Smitten sword; qin laments-song beseeching heavens.
我宁愿 一场醉 依稀笑语梦中见
I prefer a stupor, in dreams, see laughter unchanged.
缘未了 花未谢 仿佛昔日在眼前
Fate abides; buds not ebbed-as if days past come again.
爱无悔 情无怨 为何倩影却成烟
Love is without regrets-dearest one vanished unplanned.
今生牵绊还在心头 缠绵
Bonds of this life still in my heart remains.
何处笛声传来 熟悉的音乐
From whence comes flutes sounds-familiar music.
江南曲梦中莲 拨动我心弦
Jiangnan tune; lotus spanned-pull at my heart strands.
是你让我相信 古老的预言
You led me to believe prophecy ancient.
雨落红尘云归处 我等你到永远
Rain is where cloud returns to. For you, I'll ne'er relent.
千山雪 万重天 此心永不变
Qianshan snow; heavens fanned-for you, I withstand.
山不语 风无言 心碎那一天
Winds quiet; hills silent-that day of heartrend.
我宁愿 一场醉 依稀笑语梦中见
I prefer a stupor, in dreams, see laughter unchanged.
缘未了 花未谢 仿佛昔日在眼前
Fate abides; buds not ebbed-as if days past come again.
爱无悔 情无怨 为何倩影却成烟
Love is without regrets-dearest one vanished unplanned.
今生牵绊还在心头 缠绵
Bonds of this life still in my heart remains.
我宁愿 一场醉 依稀笑语梦中见
I prefer a stupor, in dreams, see laughter unchanged.
缘未了 花未谢 仿佛昔日在眼前
Fate abides; buds not ebbed-as if days past come again.
爱无悔 情无怨 为何倩影却成烟
Love is without regrets-dearest one vanished unplanned.
今生牵绊还在心头 缠绵
Bonds of this life still in my heart remains.
半生残月 两难圆
Waning moon can't seek union.
相思如雪 漫天边
Snowlike devotion fills sky's rim.
醉梦灵归 沐雨处
Spirit entranced where rain falls.
千年轮回 共婵娟
Through eternity, entwined.

IP属地:美国1楼2016-07-12 08:37回复