My enemies are many,my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,they said Italy could never be conquered.In the land of pharoahs and kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled.In the realm of forest and snow,they said russia could never be tamed.Now they say nothing.They fear me ,like a force of nature,a dealer in thunder and death.I say I am Napoleon,I am emperor........Burn it
我树敌无数,却从未逢对手。在橄榄树荫下,他们说意大利永远不会被征服。在法老和国王的土地上,他们说**永远不会臣服。在 森林与暴雪的国度,他们说俄国永远不会被征服。现在他们已无话可说。他们畏惧我,如同畏惧带来雷霆和死亡的自然的力量。我就是拿破仑,我就是皇 帝.......烧掉它!