Burning sands沙似在燃烧
Winds of desire风携着渴望
Mirrored oasis镜像般的绿洲
Reflect a burning fire映现跃动的火苗
Within my heart unwatered在我焦渴的心中Feeding the flame滋长着烈焰
Welcoming you to my harem欢迎你来到我的一千零一夜
Sing for me,A song of life's visage为我吟,生命容颜之曲
Sing for me,A tune of love's mirage为我唱,爱的蜃景之歌
Deep desires,Sleep untold深深的渴望,无尽的沉睡
Whispers that echo,The desert of my soul低语回荡在我心灵的沙漠上
I hold your Eastern promise我把你的东方诺言Close to my heart紧贴在心
Welcoming you to my harem欢迎你来到我的一千零一夜

Winds of desire风携着渴望
Mirrored oasis镜像般的绿洲
Reflect a burning fire映现跃动的火苗
Within my heart unwatered在我焦渴的心中Feeding the flame滋长着烈焰
Welcoming you to my harem欢迎你来到我的一千零一夜
Sing for me,A song of life's visage为我吟,生命容颜之曲
Sing for me,A tune of love's mirage为我唱,爱的蜃景之歌
Deep desires,Sleep untold深深的渴望,无尽的沉睡
Whispers that echo,The desert of my soul低语回荡在我心灵的沙漠上
I hold your Eastern promise我把你的东方诺言Close to my heart紧贴在心
Welcoming you to my harem欢迎你来到我的一千零一夜