出场书目: 生前:族群的秘密Secrets of the Clans 族群的猫Cats of the Clans 族群的守则Code of the Clans 族群的战争Battles of the Clans 终极指南The Ultimate Guide 蓝星的预言Bluestar's Prophecy 呼唤野性Into the Wild 寒冰烈火Fire and Ice 疑云重重Forest of Secrets 虎掌的愤怒Tigerclaw's Fury 风起云涌Rising Storm 险路惊魂A Dangerous Path 力挽狂澜The Darkest Hour 火星的探索Firestar's Quest 武士之心The Heart of a Warrior 午夜追踪Midnight 新月危机Moonrise 重现家园Dawn 星光指路Starlight 黄昏战争Twilight 日落和平Sunset 预视力量The Sight 暗河汹涌Dark River 驱逐之战Outcast 天蚀遮月Eclipse 暗夜长影Long Shadows 拂晓之光Sunrise 冬青叶的故事Hollyleaf's Story