Cloze 20个空
Beijing warns neighbours after South China Sea ruling
China reiterated it would ignore an unfavourable court ruling on its maritime claims in the South China Sea, and warned its neighbours it would “take all necessary ()” to protect Chinese interests there.
In a day of sabre rattling and veiled threats, foreign minister Liu Zhenmin on Wednesday said China had the () to create an Air Defence Identification Zone in the South China Sea, effectively claiming the airspace over the region.
China’s claims to 85 per cent of the territory of the South China Sea were badly dented ()the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague,()on Tuesday ruled in() of the Philippines in a case brought three years ago. The court said there was no legal basis for Beijing’s claims to almost the entire Sea.
China sees control of the Sea as a vital national interest, and has () on an ambitious policy of dredging islands from coral reefs and rocks in () of its claims.
Many analysts expect China to declare an Air Defence Identification Zone over the South China Sea, similar ()one it created in the East China Sea, amid disputes with Japan, in November 2013.
“() China will set it up depends on to what degree we’re threatened. If our security is under threat, of course we have the right to set it up. It depends on our()judgment,” Mr Liu said on Wednesday.
But amid the threats and bluster, he also made clear that China intended to return to negotiations () the Philippines and work out the territorial issues ().
“The Chinese government’s stance on the ruling is clear...it’s nothing() a scrap of paper, it will not be enforced, I hope everybody puts the ruling in a paper bin or on the shelf, put it in the () and that’s it. Eventually we need to go back to(),” said Mr Liu.
Mr Liu accused the court of being “()”.
The five judges who ruled in the case “made money from the Philippines”, Mr Liu said, adding “and maybe other people gave them money too”.
The foreign ministry issued a 43-page white paper in support of its claims, reaffirming its historical right to the South China Sea, ()it refers to its claim as a “nine dash line” ()comes nearly to the coastlines of neighbouring states such as the Philippines.
“China will take all necessary measures to protect its territorial () and maritime rights and interests,” the ruling Communist party’s official People’s Daily said in a front page () on Wednesday.
Beijing warns neighbours after South China Sea ruling
China reiterated it would ignore an unfavourable court ruling on its maritime claims in the South China Sea, and warned its neighbours it would “take all necessary measures” to protect Chinese interests there.
In a day of sabre rattling and veiled threats, foreign minister Liu Zhenmin on Wednesday said China had the right to create an Air Defence Identification Zone in the South China Sea, effectively claiming the airspace over the region.
China’s claims to 85 per cent of the territory of the South China Sea were badly dented by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, which on Tuesday ruled in favour of the Philippines in a case brought three years ago. The court said there was no legal basis for Beijing’s claims to almost the entire Sea.
中国声称对南中国海85%的区域拥有主权。这一主张受到海牙常设仲裁法院(Permanent Court of Arbitration)仲裁庭的沉重打击。该庭周二就三年前提交的仲裁案做出了有利于菲律宾的裁决。该庭表示,中国对几乎整个南中国海的主权主张没有法律依据。
China sees control of the Sea as a vital national interest, and has embarked on an ambitious policy of dredging islands from coral reefs and rocks in support of its claims.
Many analysts expect China to declare an Air Defence Identification Zone over the South China Sea, similar to one it created in the East China Sea, amid disputes with Japan, in November 2013.
“Whether China will set it up depends on to what degree we’re threatened. If our security is under threat, of course we have the right to set it up. It depends on our comprehensive judgment,” Mr Liu said on Wednesday.
But amid the threats and bluster, he also made clear that China intended to return to negotiations with the Philippines and work out the territorial issues bilaterally.
“The Chinese government’s stance on the ruling is clear...it’s nothing but a scrap of paper, it will not be enforced, I hope everybody puts the ruling in a paper bin or on the shelf, put it in the archives and that’s it. Eventually we need to go back to negotiation,” said Mr Liu.
Mr Liu accused the court of being “manipulated”.
The five judges who ruled in the case “made money from the Philippines”, Mr Liu said, adding “and maybe other people gave them money too”.
The foreign ministry issued a 43-page white paper in support of its claims, reaffirming its historical right to the South China Sea, where it refers to its claim as a “nine dash line” that comes nearly to the coastlines of neighbouring states such as the Philippines.
“China will take all necessary measures to protect its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests,” the ruling Communist party’s official People’s Daily said in a front page commentary on Wednesday.
Cloze 20个空
Beijing warns neighbours after South China Sea ruling
China reiterated it would ignore an unfavourable court ruling on its maritime claims in the South China Sea, and warned its neighbours it would “take all necessary ()” to protect Chinese interests there.
In a day of sabre rattling and veiled threats, foreign minister Liu Zhenmin on Wednesday said China had the () to create an Air Defence Identification Zone in the South China Sea, effectively claiming the airspace over the region.
China’s claims to 85 per cent of the territory of the South China Sea were badly dented ()the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague,()on Tuesday ruled in() of the Philippines in a case brought three years ago. The court said there was no legal basis for Beijing’s claims to almost the entire Sea.
China sees control of the Sea as a vital national interest, and has () on an ambitious policy of dredging islands from coral reefs and rocks in () of its claims.
Many analysts expect China to declare an Air Defence Identification Zone over the South China Sea, similar ()one it created in the East China Sea, amid disputes with Japan, in November 2013.
“() China will set it up depends on to what degree we’re threatened. If our security is under threat, of course we have the right to set it up. It depends on our()judgment,” Mr Liu said on Wednesday.
But amid the threats and bluster, he also made clear that China intended to return to negotiations () the Philippines and work out the territorial issues ().
“The Chinese government’s stance on the ruling is clear...it’s nothing() a scrap of paper, it will not be enforced, I hope everybody puts the ruling in a paper bin or on the shelf, put it in the () and that’s it. Eventually we need to go back to(),” said Mr Liu.
Mr Liu accused the court of being “()”.
The five judges who ruled in the case “made money from the Philippines”, Mr Liu said, adding “and maybe other people gave them money too”.
The foreign ministry issued a 43-page white paper in support of its claims, reaffirming its historical right to the South China Sea, ()it refers to its claim as a “nine dash line” ()comes nearly to the coastlines of neighbouring states such as the Philippines.
“China will take all necessary measures to protect its territorial () and maritime rights and interests,” the ruling Communist party’s official People’s Daily said in a front page () on Wednesday.
Beijing warns neighbours after South China Sea ruling
China reiterated it would ignore an unfavourable court ruling on its maritime claims in the South China Sea, and warned its neighbours it would “take all necessary measures” to protect Chinese interests there.
In a day of sabre rattling and veiled threats, foreign minister Liu Zhenmin on Wednesday said China had the right to create an Air Defence Identification Zone in the South China Sea, effectively claiming the airspace over the region.
China’s claims to 85 per cent of the territory of the South China Sea were badly dented by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, which on Tuesday ruled in favour of the Philippines in a case brought three years ago. The court said there was no legal basis for Beijing’s claims to almost the entire Sea.
中国声称对南中国海85%的区域拥有主权。这一主张受到海牙常设仲裁法院(Permanent Court of Arbitration)仲裁庭的沉重打击。该庭周二就三年前提交的仲裁案做出了有利于菲律宾的裁决。该庭表示,中国对几乎整个南中国海的主权主张没有法律依据。
China sees control of the Sea as a vital national interest, and has embarked on an ambitious policy of dredging islands from coral reefs and rocks in support of its claims.
Many analysts expect China to declare an Air Defence Identification Zone over the South China Sea, similar to one it created in the East China Sea, amid disputes with Japan, in November 2013.
“Whether China will set it up depends on to what degree we’re threatened. If our security is under threat, of course we have the right to set it up. It depends on our comprehensive judgment,” Mr Liu said on Wednesday.
But amid the threats and bluster, he also made clear that China intended to return to negotiations with the Philippines and work out the territorial issues bilaterally.
“The Chinese government’s stance on the ruling is clear...it’s nothing but a scrap of paper, it will not be enforced, I hope everybody puts the ruling in a paper bin or on the shelf, put it in the archives and that’s it. Eventually we need to go back to negotiation,” said Mr Liu.
Mr Liu accused the court of being “manipulated”.
The five judges who ruled in the case “made money from the Philippines”, Mr Liu said, adding “and maybe other people gave them money too”.
The foreign ministry issued a 43-page white paper in support of its claims, reaffirming its historical right to the South China Sea, where it refers to its claim as a “nine dash line” that comes nearly to the coastlines of neighbouring states such as the Philippines.
“China will take all necessary measures to protect its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests,” the ruling Communist party’s official People’s Daily said in a front page commentary on Wednesday.