#飞蚊症##飞秒激光# 最新消息:BREAKTROUGH! Successful threatment with the femto-laser
September 17, 2017 knut
We are happy to announce that the research lead by Dr. Tassignon has made a major breakthrough regarding femto-laser for threatening floaters.
On 15.09 it is confirmed that the research perfomed in Ghent University was able to treat vitreous floaters in vitro using the femtosecond laser. They now know which type of laser wavelenght that works best.
EFRO will update our website very soon with more details.
September 17, 2017 knut
We are happy to announce that the research lead by Dr. Tassignon has made a major breakthrough regarding femto-laser for threatening floaters.
On 15.09 it is confirmed that the research perfomed in Ghent University was able to treat vitreous floaters in vitro using the femtosecond laser. They now know which type of laser wavelenght that works best.
EFRO will update our website very soon with more details.