comment by disapointed (U6790509)
posted Yesterday
It was a great opening ceremony but too long.
Brilliant creativity and spectacular fireworks, but you expect that from China.
London 2012 does have a hard act to follow and I would suggest to them not to make it so epic but more light-hearted and fun. Maybe with a 'Carry on' type theme.
Where China had a very traditional show, London should go with an MTV type presentation.
Looking forward to the events now, come on team GB.
伦敦2012的工作也许会很艰苦,我建议我们不用这么壮观,弄得轻松愉快点,就像“carry on”(是个虾米玩意儿?滑稽剧?)
comment by NikosBog (U1648192)
posted Yesterday
comment by disapointed (U6790509)
Where China had a very traditional show, London should go with an MTV type presentation.
Don't worry mate they have no option anyway, England have NO tradition, none compared to Athens or China anyway.
They wouldn't exactly be spoilt for choice for a 'historical' theme, probably they'd start with somebody reading Shakespeare or sth like that and take it from there lol
comment by madamombe (U9047533)
posted Yesterday
WOW!!!!!What a great spectacle!A showcase of Chinese culture cleverly and excellently put together.
By the way,what is BRITISH CULTURE?Pubs,binge drinking,girl bands,being rubbish at sport....and or those most loveable creatures known as chavs....perhaps?
另外,什么是英国文化? 酒吧,烂醉,女子乐队(难道指辣妹?)糟糕的体育....? 或者是那些著名的“可爱”生物 比如chavs。。。。?