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星念 英文歌词 重译


Starry Sentiments
华灯初上 倚窗凝望 掠去秋雁又几行
Lanterns are hung; view horizon: only see returning swans.
描一笔眉妆 细细端详 添镜里憔悴模样
Makeup-on brows drawn, still gazing on, adding to reflection-gaunt.
寄一段情思衷怀 迎来多少无奈
Heartfelt affection of mine has all but gone awry.
Jade on bedside; new blossoms-spry.
故人难再 细雨中等待
Old friend bade bye; in rain, hopes belied.
A reunion has been denied.
那年湖山畔 你迎向我走来
Once, at the lake bank, you approached me with strides;
back then, our heart were as one.
听笛声漫漫 把酒笑谈言欢
Hearing the flute sounds, drinking and laughing, content;
turning back to mourn what's gone.
寄一段情思衷怀 迎来多少无奈
Heartfelt affection of mine has all but gone awry.
Jade on bedside; new blossoms-spry.
故人难再 细雨中等待
Old friend bade bye; in rain, hopes belied.
A reunion has been denied.
睡梦里呢喃 阵阵燕语轻唤
Whispers before dawn; softly, swallows call on;
mist dampens my hair, forlorn.
那年湖山畔 你将人间
Once, at the lake bank, you drew world's lands
as stars in the cosmic span.
天上星垣 一抹相思雪
Stars above, fanned; devoted snow, fair;
红日又西斜 金明转瞬灭
Once more, the Sun sets; snuffed-its golden glare.
看轻离别 何处不曾月缺
Repressed dismay; the full Moon is transient;
忘却那些 携手共度的夜
Memories, fled, of nights spent hand in hand.
那年湖山畔 你迎向我走来
Once, at the lake bank, you approached me with strides;
back then, our heart were as one.
与你走过人间 似水流年
Cherishing times we spent-brought to an end,
are now stars in sky's expanse.

IP属地:美国1楼2016-08-03 03:20回复