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We've discovered that unknown5 turns out to be GPS-related information. We're still investigating this and unknown22, and hope to have a more technical update later on in the day while we affirm our suspicions.

IP属地:广西1楼2016-08-06 18:05回复

    IP属地:广西2楼2016-08-06 18:07

      IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-08-06 18:22
        The forced updates were getting a little bit tiring, so we'll update when and if there is progress. Assume that we are still investigating until further updates.

        IP属地:广西6楼2016-08-06 18:29

          IP属地:广西7楼2016-08-06 18:34
            Detailed info for those who are interested:
            The new struct, which we are calling Signature (previously Unknown6), authenticates every request made to the API. The structure of Signature turns out to be made up of a few more structures and values. We've managed to figure out what some of those are, leaving only a few remaining.
            The integer unknown_10 is a hash generated by Pokémon Go. It is made by taking the user's current authentication ticket in protobuf format (app specific; different from their PTC or Google login token) and running it through a hashing function called xxHash32.
            While our understanding of xxHash32 is not complete, from what we know, this hash function takes three values: the first being some data to hash, the second being a 32-bit integer to use as a "seed value" to start the function with, and the third being how many bytes from the data to use for hashing. In this case, the seed value has been determined to be 0x1B845328. This spits out a new 32-bit integer.
            Now we take this integer and use it as the seed value to hash our current latitude, longitude, and altitude. The resulting 32-bit integer is unknown_10.
            Similarly, the integer unknown_20 is another hash generated by the game. We take the current latitude, longitude, and altitude, as before, and hash it once again using xxHash32, with 0x1B845238 as the seed value. The resulting 32-bit integer is unknown_20.
            We're not 100% sure about how to generate unknown_22, but it acts as a check to prevent users from simply copy-pasting API requests from the app. In other words, it prevents replay attacks. unknown_22 is time based and changes every few minutes.
            Finally, unknown_24 (now known as request_hash) is an array of hashes, one for each function call being called via the API. (So, for example, getting the player info and inventory list in the same API call would result in two hashes.)
            To generate request_hash, we start by hashing the authentication ticket with a seed value of 0x1B45328, but this time using the hashing function xxHash64. This becomes our new seed value for the remaining hashes.
            Now, for each RPC function call included in the request, we take its protobuf data and hash using xxHash64 using the xxHash64 hash of the authentication ticket. The set of all these hashes is our request_hash.

            IP属地:广西8楼2016-08-06 18:39

              IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-08-06 19:00

                IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-08-06 19:26
                  哈希算法编辑同义词Hash算法一般指哈希算法本词条由“科普中国”百科科学词条编写与应用工作项目审核。哈希算法将任意长度的二进制值映射为较短的固定长度的二进制值,这个小的二进制值称为哈希值。哈希值是一段数据唯一且极其紧凑的数值表示形式。如果散列一段明文而且哪怕只更改该段落的一个字母,随后的哈希都将产生不同的值。要找到散列为同一个值的两个不同的输入,在计算上是不可能的,所以数据的哈希值可以检验数据的完整性。一般用于快速查找和加密算法。[1] 中文名哈希算法外文名Hash别 称散列应用学科程序加密适用领域范围网络,软件目录

                  IP属地:广西11楼2016-08-07 01:17
                    trisk - Today at 1:05 AM@Mandrakia s2 cell shape is just a function of the spherical transformation afaik, don't think it mattersMandrakia - Today at 1:07 AMposted the dumps in api-dumpskeyphact -
                    Today at 1:07 AMtyCheesy Noob - Today at 1:08 AMMandrakia u24 is a hashArray of the requestsMandrakia - Today at 1:08 AMyeah that's what i didreq0 is just get settingscomplete requests or just the payloads ?Cheesy Noob - Today at 1:09 AMhashes of the requestsMandrakia -
                    Today at 1:09 AMwell yeah :/x = new System.Data.HashFunction.xxHash(64, 0x1B845238); var seed = BitConverter.ToUInt64(x.ComputeHash(_authTicket.ToByteArray()),0); x = new System.Data.HashFunction.xxHash(64, seed); foreach (var req in requests) sig.RequestHash.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt64(x.ComputeHash(req.ToByteArray()), 0));and i checked the hash algorithm individually it's the right byte orderplease tell me you see something wrong :/otherwise it just means we're missing something

                    IP属地:广西12楼2016-08-07 01:18

                      IP属地:广西13楼2016-08-07 01:24

                        IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端15楼2016-08-07 03:28