1. It was a foggy morning, Azure Blueberry wasdigging a hole in his garden while the sun was rising up to the sky slowly.Suddenly, he found a strange shape under the earth. Curiously, he sat down and got closer to it,trying to find out what it was. It was a little box, covered with mud. Havingrealized its harmlessness, Azure took it out and cleaned it with water. Then heopened it. There he found a broken map inside. In a flash, Azure jumped over the low gateand ran along the streets. He stopped at WL’s door with an excited look. Hetook a deep breath and knocked at the door as gently as he could, making upsentences in his mind. 2 minutes later, WL’s sleepy face showed with the dooropening a little. At the same time, Azure poured down words about the map tohim and made WL awake completely. After explaining what had happened in themorning, Azure took out the map. It was a map of an island. The shape of theisland was like a dragon. The map was marked a cross at the dragon’s weakpoint, its pericardium. ‘Oh, what a beautiful map, but I prefer myatlas.’ WL looked sleepy again. ‘It’s interesting. You should know that themeaning of a thing is more important than the shape.’ said Azure, ‘Don’t youthink it is a…’ ‘Eh, treasures map?’ WL interrupted, ‘That’sso rusty. Don’t be stupid, my dear Mr. Blueberry. You should feel lucky thatyou didn’t dig out a skeleton. Now get this out of my house, please! It isevil!’ With an impatient expression, WL shut the door heavily. Azure turned, and, with no pause, went to SL. After hearing the facts, SL looked a littlepuzzled, ‘Are you sure it isn’t a joke? Oh, my friend, leave me alone, please.I’m so tired.’ He closed the door. Azure turned back, disappointed. The azure sky was still covered by clouds.People wandered on the street like ghosts. On the street, the wind blew and thecars got through. Nobody cared what he thought. ‘People are too busy tounderstand. Even a real treasure cannot attract them.’ Azure murmured to himself,walking slowly in the town. Finally, the afternoon came, Azure came intohis garden, listening the sound of his footsteps. It soon got dark. Azure stared at thedarkness, listening the happy voices from his neighbor’s home. There was aparty on. The happiness made him feel sadder. Suddenly, an idea appeared. Thehappiness nearly knocked him down. He grabbed the box he found. Shivering withexcitement, he discovered the cover of the ancient box. A design paper of akind of ‘Zero-point-energy-powered Aircraft’ dropped into his hands. ‘It may beanother invention of LV.’ Azure thought of Leonardo da Vinci. He was amazed bythe perfect idea on the design paper. A real dragon flies on the sky…An overnightjourney…An overnight success…Azure was determined to build the metallic dragon.He knew he had the ability of doing it. His heart beat fast with great happiness.
3. Azure took delight in having such an honestface for the first time. How lucky he was to be trusted in by a stranger. Theislander fetched food for him and talked with him. Azure ate a lot and talked alot, and soon made friends with the islander, whose name was Zehad. ‘H’m, that’s really a great and powerfulname, sir.’ Azure smiled. ‘Ha ha! Maybe. Thanks. I hope I can have alife like my name shows!’ Zehad said, ‘I have been here for seven months, soI’m quite lucky to meet you, sir, so kind and friendly. God brings you to me!’ ‘I am very lucky, too. Thank you for helpingme! But…where are we then?’ Azure asked. ‘Here? Eh…This is called Oeno. It’s a small island of The Pitcairn.’ Zehad smiled. ‘Pitcairn?’ Azure’s eyes brightened. The namewas quite familiar to him. He used to be very curious about this country(Though it belonged toUK)when he was very young. There were about only 50 people there. ‘Oh? I see. Butare there any people on this island, and why are you alone here, sir?’ Azureasked with a friendly smile. ‘Eh…Usually, there is nobody who lands herebecause the Pitcairn islanders only come here for holidays in Januaries. Andme…’ Zehad hesitated, ‘Eh…because a mistake…eh…the Pitcairn people punished meby throwing me into the sea…but…but I survived.’ ‘But…why? How can people do that to you? Isthat a…a very serious mistake?’ ‘Eh…’ Zehad looked worried, ‘I don’t know…Ijust…just, it is said, started a kind of…charm, by accident.’ ‘Charm?’ Azure frowned, ‘tell me everythingyou know then, Zehad, if you trust me.’ Zehad looked into Azure’s bright eyes, andwas determined to tell him at last. ‘It was a real and great charm. Exactly, itwas an incantation. It was said that it connected to…to the Atlantis. But infact, my relatives never believe that, so I was punished.’ He sighed, ‘but Iknow nothing about that. I only believe in God.’ ‘What? Why don’t you believe the amazingfacts, Zehad? Don’t you know eliyahu, the great foreteller in the Bible? Don’tyou remember how his life ended without death? What brought him away was a UFO.’Azure explained, ‘You may don’t believe in something, but you cannot refuse thetruth. God created science and made us cheat. It is the image of Babel. But we cannotrefuse the truth, can we?’ ‘H’m…It’s really an amazing ‘heretical’idea.’ Zehad was surprised, ‘Your idea sounds wonderful…Eh, I think I ampersuaded. I think you are right, we cannot refuse the truth, especially whenit is jumping in our eyes.’ ‘Oh? Thank you for your understanding. And wehad better go to the Pitcairn island now.’Azure suggested, ‘Do you have a boat?’ ‘No,’ Zehad smiled, ‘but we can build one.’ All of a sudden, Zehad torn the small woodenhouse into wood pieces and began to build a boat. ‘I have practised it for manytimes.’ He said, ‘so that I can hide in a short time without being noticed bythe visitors when necessary.’ Azure came to help him in amazement.
4. Azure and Zehad left the Oeno Islandtogether later. Zehad said he was always delighted to see thebright sun, because his homeland, Pitcairn island,was usually cloudy and foggy. They tried their best to keep their boat movingto the east, because the wind was strong, so was the power of the sea. They were very happy on the boat because theydidn’t lack amusement. When the weather was a little ‘depressing’, they alwaysentertained each other by telling original stories about old adventures ortheir own experiences. Finally, they landed on the Pitcairn island. ‘Oh, this place is called western harbor.’Zehad spread his body and said, ‘If we are lucky enough, we may succeed inclimbing up.’ They walked onto the ground and tied their boat to a rock. Azurehad a real and close look at the island, which was once his dream. As heguessed, there was a cloud above, which was always be there when he searchedfor ‘Pitcairn’ on Google Earth. What was the secret under the cloud? Would hefind it out? ‘Now, I am going to know what the cloud wants to cover.’ Hethought, climbing up to a platform. Zehad stopped, ‘I feel a little guilty now…Asa creature that has already been identified as a criminal who has already beenthrown into hell, I really don’t want be here…If…’ ‘Oh no, Zehad.’ Azure said quickly, ‘Don’t beafraid of troubles. Take it easy. You just did something wrong by accident,didn’t you? Don’t be disturbed by the negative things and tension. Everythingwill go well. Oh, now you may go ahead and show me around. I am attracted bythis charming island.’ Zehad smiled and jumped up to the platform.After getting through the woods, they saw an orchard. Azure was amazed. ‘ThePitcairn people produce plenty of fruits and vegetables here. We’d better hurryup, Azure, because people may be working inside at this time. It’s their daily job.’ They went on. There were a few paths in thewoods, which reminded them of the possibility to be seen or even be arrested.They knew that they wouldn’t be welcomed at that time, when there was a greatsecret on the island. So they avoided meeting the paths and tried hard to walkin the woods. After 40 minutes, they reached to the top of the whole island,with there clothes broken. Azure’s clothes were ‘durable’ but Zehad’s wereweaker. So Azure took out the ‘dragon-skin-made’ clothes and gave it to Zehad.Zehad thanked him. They looked down, to have a look at Adamstown, and a strangecave under the mountain. ‘Keep close!’ Zehad whispered. They climbed up a tree to get a perfect viewto the place they wanted to observe. Beside the cave, a building like a kind ofresearch station was being built.
5. Absolute silence covered the top of themountain, as well as Azure and Zehad. The sky got darker and darker while thetwo boys jumped out of the tree and moved towards the cave in the bushes ascarefully as they could. ‘Wait a minute, Azure.’ whispered Zehad. ‘What’s the matter?’ Azure asked in a funnytone. ‘The cave…There must be something wrong withit. When I first met it last year, it always flashed a kind of light. The lightwas blue and pure, and it must be an important object which emitted out light.’ ‘You mean…an important object was in the caveand it has been taken away?’ ‘Yes, that explains why there are no guardsbeside the cave but so many ones who are guarding the building…eh…’said Zehadexcitedly. ‘Although…they are…all sleeping.’ Azureshowed a puzzled smile. They moved to the building, quietly andcarefully. The front door was open, might because part of the station hadn’tbeen finished. When their shadows appeared on the floor, Azure and Zehad wereshocked by an alarm. ‘An attack? Hey! Wake up! Someone unknown isin our building!’ A man’s voice was echoed repeatedly in the empty corridor.Many people rushed out and surrounded them. ‘What’s the matter?’ Azure said ina funny tone again, Finally, they were forced to meet the officer, exactly, aprofessor of the research station. ‘H’m, boys,’ His voice was the same as theone shown in the corridor, ‘What are you doing here, then? It’s a wrong placefor you everyone! Are you American spies, alien monsters or human killers? Haha !’ ‘ Eh…in fact…just volunteers…eh…we saw youworking yesterday, and just wanted to ask you whether we can help…’said Azure,hesitating. He tried hard to show an extremely friendly expression, and it wasuseful. The next day, the two harmless and warm-hearted good boys began theirwork. ‘Oh, my God!’ Zehad said, tired after workingall the morning. ’My friend, what a useful talent you have of getting others’trust!’ ‘Thanks.’ Azure sat down on a stone,thinking about the plan of getting more information. ‘But it seems that we arefar away from the things we need to do.’ … One day, after weeks of labor, their chancecame. ‘You two!’ A guard came and said, ‘theprofessor wants you, come on.’ Azure and Zehad gave each other a cheerful smile andfollowed the guard. ‘Sometimes, what you expectmay never meet you, but big chances always come without any omen.’ Thought Zehad.
6. ‘Good evening, my good boys.’ Said the professor whenhe saw them entering his office, led by the soldiers( or workers, who knows). ‘Eh…good evening sir…eh…why do you call us here then?’said Zehad. ‘Ha! After these day’s observation, I have found thatyou two are both warm-hearted and hardworking, exactly, harmless to our job. Iknow that you are just curious with our work. Your honesty has shown that youare reliable. So…I think you may have something different to work at, my dear…volunteers.’Said the professor, which made Azure and Zehad a little embarrassed. What akind-hearted person the man is! The two boys thought. ‘Okey, it is our pleasure…but…what’s the point?’ askedAzure. ‘So long a story!’ sighed the professor. ‘Someonediscovered a strange cave here last year by accident. When the news came toEngland,scientists were all astonished. However, the government didn’t want the wholeworld to know the event. They wanted us to work it out by ourselves. It is agreat secret. In fact, we don’t want other countries to know about it,especially theUS.We all know how much it has known! Aliens! Monsters, UFOs! We must protectourselves in this stressful world!’ ‘Hmm… I think you are more honest than the Americans.’Said Zehad. Although separated from the world for eight months, he was stillinterested in those things. ‘I hope so.’ The professor sighed again. ‘but I amafraid that some of what they said is more than imagination. Maybe lies arecreated for biding the truth. Now we are rather closed to the success, I hopeour effort won’t lead to a poor conclusion. However. Some minor mistakes maygive us no chances. Oh! Go to the lab now,boys. You may ask Mr. Laken for someinformation. Hey! Soldiers, Lead our volunteers to the Lab, please.’ Suddenly, an idea occurred to Azure. ’Wait a minute,sir.’ He said. ‘I have got something to ask you for some help.’ He took out thepaper he found in the box. The paper looked as if it was tore off from a book.There were some interesting pictures and words on it. ‘This is a design paper,sir, which I found in an ancient box underground. It is very interesting and Ihope…eh…it may give you some help.’ Stated Azure. He handed it to theprofessor. The professor held it and read it carefully. He thenlooked extremely excited and happy. ‘Wow! Unbelievable! I’ll never forget yourgreat help! Something in it gives me an idea. I’m sure we are closed to answer,quite closed!’ Then he led Azure and Zehad to the lab personally. ‘He is not only aprofessor,’ Zehad thought. ‘but also an intelligent leader and a very goodfriend.’
7. ‘Laken? Dr. LK?’ The professor ran throughthe corridors. Azure and Zehad followed him into a room ,exactly speaking alab. The people were watching a silly teleplay inside surrounding thetelevision. Seeing their ‘headmaster’ walking in, the workers, or experts wereembarrassed. However, a person in white looked proud. Azure could understandthat few people could make some teleplays appear on this lonely island. Zehadnoticed a big flower was drawn on his clothes. The professor ignored the teleplay and went to the manin white. Azure and Zehad were convinced that he was the one ‘wanted’. LKtalked with the professor in their own words. English sounded very strange whena lot of scientific words were used in their talk. Azure heard something likewormhole and negative energy. Azure was glad to see that his map gave a lot ofhelp. Zehad, however, was quite puzzled to hear that many difficult words. Their conversation continued while the experts paidtheir attention back to the teleplay. Suddenly, a big scream came out of theTV, which made the whole room silent. ‘It is really a pleasant plan, sir.’ said Dr. Laken.The professor told Azure about it briefly. It was about using some specialmachine like particle accelerator to awake the precious stoned that were foundin the cave. Then people could get into a wormhole and find out the truth. ‘Your paper is quite useful. It is an inspiration.’The professor said with a smile. He thanked Azure and Zehad again and again.Luckily, Zehad used his questions to stick the professor, who taught him a lotof things about physics and science. ‘H’m,’ Azure thought, ‘ this guy will be an experthimself!‘ He came to Dr. LK and helped him with some experimentsand other works. The happiness spread to the TV-watchers and they watched TVmore cheerfully. Azure was excited, so was Zehad. They found that theyhad come into a quite unusual world. They soon make friends with everyone inthe lab. Their work continued. ‘What if people accuse you as a liar when you claimthat all these are true to the public?’ Azure once asked himself. ‘Ha, the truth doesn’t need to be claimed, people havethe power of choosing what they like to believe.’ He answered in his mind. Time passed quickly. Theirexperiments went on everyday.
8. The experts in the lab greatly benefited from thedesign paper. They even resisted the temptation of the teleplays for a periodof time. However, this couldn’t have happened if the professor hadn’t destroyedthe television with his alarm clock. The professor gave a good speech and the experts begantheir work unwillingly. ‘Our task is to awake the stones, clear?’ emphasizedDr. LK. ‘If we do not unite as one, we will never find the solution.’ ‘Neither will you watch any teleplays.’ Zehad added,trying not to laugh. ‘We are a team, but you are rivals now, ladies andgentlemen. Try your best. Only the one who is the most hard-working can watchteleplays.’ What the professor said made the experts extremely noisy. Theydiscussed excitedly then went straight to their work areas. ‘Oh…What’s wrong with those stupid humans?’ Dr. LKsighed. Luckily, their task was finished at a fantastic speed.After a month, the machine was completed. The professor started it with adignified look. The machine worked noisily. A pure, beautiful and sky bluelight was released and converged on the stones, which floated in the air for asecond and changed into a kind of mist all of a sudden. The mist seemed tobring them out of reality. In a flash, it did. A kind of ‘hole’ appeared andinhaled Azure, Zehad and the professor. In the lab, everyone was shacked. Seriousconversations and words of fear filled the room. To calm them down, Dr. LK hadto bring out another TV for them to watch teleplays. The experts were soonsilent. Meanwhile, Azure could feel nothing except his ownthoughts. Pictures of all his life flashed before his eyes like a movie. Allquestions he used to think about were solved suddenly. A kind of music cameinto his feelings. It was quite familiar to him: ‘Azure saves your lives. Azureblesses your minds. Zehad is a spirit alike. They are the gods of the skies.’It was created when he and Zehad were on the journey to the Pitcairn island. He felt as if he were a real soul, a free and pleasantspirit. ‘Am I dead?’ He tried to know. An image of a holy sign appeared suddenly and vanishedas quickly as it showed. ‘Was that God? And…where am I?’ The second question wasanswered very soon. He felt his sight and found himself lying on a lawn,looking at Zehad’s face. ‘We have reached here.’ He said slowly.
9. ‘Welcome to the heaven, hah?’ a voice came frombehind. It was the professor. Zehad looked quite confused. Azure stood up and lookedaround. They were on real ground. The lawn wasn’t misty at all. But where werethey then? How did they get there? It seemed so illogical! ‘Welcome to Olympus!Men!’ cried a sly voice. A man in a black suit walked out from nowhere. He hadrosy plump cheeks. Bright purple eyes shone sharply as if could read everythought of people. Although he looked a little heavy, he could move verylightly and easily. The voice of his seemed always ring in others’ ears. Hisaura seemed to be unbearably powerful. ‘Who is he?’ Azure thought. Meanwhile, the man glancedat him and gave a mysterious smile. ‘He can read my mind?’ Azure’s mindtrembled. The professor and the two boys stared at this short(though he was taller than Azure) person with curiosity and alertness. However,something new attracted their attention. Nine beautiful girls appeared; eachhad a musical instrument or some paper (one had nothing in her hands who mightbe a dancer). The girls with paper began to sing: ‘Azure saves your lives…’‘Cut!’ yelled the short man, ‘What are you singing? Polyhymnia?’ ‘It is their thought. I can feel it.’ The girl namedPolyhymnia handed the paper to the man, who read the last sentence of the songin a low voice. ‘The gods of the skies?! How unbridled you are! Expel! But…waita minute…Hmm.’ He hesitated for a second, which made some satyrs stuck on theirway to expel Azure and Zehad. ‘Hmm. It seems that the date of your returning has tobe delayed. You, kid. Come with me.’ The man in black pointed at Azure. ‘Me?’ Azure was a little surprised. He and Zehadlooked at each other, wishing for good luck. Then the man ordered the satyrservants to lead Zehad and the professor to have sightseeing. ‘What is goingon?’ thought Azure. He followed the strange man into a garden, then to a smallhouse. Many servants greeted the man. Azure noticed some strange-looking womensitting on the grassland outside through a window. They looked extremely crazyand aggressive. Suddenly, something was clear in Azure’s mind. Satyrs, madwomen and grapes…and the man…No, it cannot be! Azure managed to believe it. Insuch an illogical day, everything could happen. The Olympus,the Muses, oh, nothing is impossible. ‘Sit down, kid. My name is Dionysus and you may callme Mr. D.’ The man sat in an armchair and invited Azure to sit in another one.Then, he ordered some peeled grapes and some drinks. He took out a bottle ofwine from nowhere when lightening flashed on the bright sky. The man cursed andgave the bottle to Azure. They stared at each other for a second when theservants put some fruits on the table. ‘Do you like wine, kid?’ asked the man, ‘The stupiddemigod called Percy Jackson always wanted everything blue. Would you like someblueberries then?’ ‘Fine, thanks, sir.’Replied Azure.
10. A bottle of Diet Coke showed in the short man’s hand.He poured some wine into a glass and handed it to Azure. ‘The meeting begins! Now, time for questions, kid.’ ‘Eh…questions? Okay.’ Azure paused for seconds andadded. ‘Where I am, who you are, how we got here, and…’ he paused again,’ tellme your personal information, please.’ The man laughed with grapes in his mouth. ‘You came bycoincidence, just coincidence!’ The man said. ‘That’s what I never believe everything happens for areason.’ Azure interrupted. ‘Okay, okay.’ The man smiled,chewing the grapes. ‘You are similar to me, my child.Let me tell you the truth. When you came here, I have told you that this is Olympus. You are on the six-hundredth floor of the Empire State Building, clear?’ Azure frowned. He had a humble heart so that he couldbelieve everything, unless there was no proof. The man went on. ‘Oh. I should have introduced myselfto you. I am the wine god, Dionysus. You can call me Mr. D. You might be themost successful child of mine, and an excellent demigod.’ ‘Eh…but…sir, how can it be?’ Azure hesitantly spoke.He himself could believe it, but it was too illogical for him. It was easy fora person to believe but it was really difficult to let one persuade oneself.Azure tried to concentrate on the conversation. He struggled to ignore hisstrange feelings. The god seemed to understand his thoughts. He didn’tanswer Azure’s question but continued: ‘Now, I am telling you about the world.We Olympia godsare facing great danger. Demigods from all around the world are having tasks tohelp us. This time, our enemies are stronger than ever. Some of our friendswill be in danger. Remember, kid. You will be of great help to your friends.’ ‘But…I couldn’t understand. How…’ ‘Don’t be stubborn, kid. You will understandeverything quite soon. Now you should do a small experiment. Look at thisgrapevine. Use your mind to connect to it. Communicate with it. Just have a try.’The man smiled. Although still confused, Azure closed his eyes andconcentrated on a grapevine on the wall. It shone and rotated in the darknessof his sight. He could even see nutrient circulated in the thin stem. Thegrapevine emitted blue light, which made Azure feel warm. He wanted to give outenergy to the plant. So he did. In a flash, he could see the whole plant. Ithad a large root system and many branches. A kind of blue light appeared in thedarkness and converged onto the plant. The plant grew visibly. Azure wasrelieved. He managed to give out more energy. Suddenly, Azure opened his eyes. A cluster of grapesfell into Mr. D‘s bowl from the ceiling. ‘Well done, son.’ The wine god’s voice came intoAzure’s mind, though his mouth didn’t open. Mr. D continued eating his grapes. ‘Practice makes perfect,Azure. You are talented in souls controlling. But remember, be honest. Nevertry to hurt others. Here is a recipe of Mr. D Wine for you. Don’t let me down.’
11. Azure opened his eyes painfully. Another thing gavehim a shock. A large piece of ice was melting above his head. Bigdrops of cold water went into Azure’s eyes. ‘Ouch!’ Azure sat up. The eyes hit him, which made himquite awake. He stood up and was happy to find that he was in one of the roomsof the research station. Zehad greeted him cheerfully. ’ Good morning. Azure.We are lucky enough to be alive! Don’t you think so?’ ‘Yes,sure.’ Azure smiled.’ But…Is it still amystery?’ ‘H’m. I thought we were fortunate to find the truth,but the truth is still so far from us.’ Zehad frowned, ‘The strange people wemet yesterday told me that they were aliens from another space and gave uswarnings about the earth, the catastrophe and the environment. I couldn’tunderstand all.’ A completely different story! Azure though. During theleisure, Azure thought of the special; travel carefully. He tried to rememberevery feeling he knew during the day before. In a flash, he remembered an important connectionbetween reality and the special journey. The recipe of the grapevine! Hesearched for it in his coat. There it was! He took out it excitedly. It was a tiny scroll, decorated by smallgrapevine-shaped green patterns. Azure took a deep breath and unfolded it. Thegrapevine-shaped patterns moved to their new place and changed into beautifulGerman script. Azure stared at the letters, thinking about his experience. Hehad never studied the Greek myth, but he was motivated. ‘It seems definite thatpart of the myth is quite tree, but how can that be?’ Azure tried to oppose theopinion, but failed. Then he remembered the ‘experiment’ of controlling thegrapevine. He stared at a small bug on the wall, trying to connect with itsmind. Two minutes later, he found that the bug could move at his order. Azure was horrified. He didn’t want to tell Zehad orsomeone else about it. What a world! He felt that something new and mysteriouswould step into his life. ‘It is just a secret.’ Azure sighed. He took thescroll and went to the work area. Every one greeted him with smile. ‘Azure, what do you think about it? Dr. LK suspectsthat we have gone mad! Ha!’ the professor said, ‘Our journey might be aspecific period of time that we will never forget! But…we must return to London soon.’ ‘London!’ Zehad smiled, ‘A new place to arriveat?’
12. Three days later, the ships which were to collect themarrived. Everyone was reluctant to leave the station. The new-built buildingwould be changed into a museum on the island. On the ship, the expertsdiscussed the teleplays while Zehad studied Physics with the professor. It took them two days to reach Tahiti.After having a long break for half a month (Tahiti was really a good place forsightseeing), they set out for Wellington. Five days passed. They got to Wellingtonand boarded a plane to London.There, Zehad spent two days going through the complex formalities and finallygot a birth certificate. ‘A newborn British,ha?’ Theprofessor and Azure laughed, so did Zehad. One day, the professor invited the two boys to hishome. ‘Azure, the professor told me that I can study Physicsin Glasgow University!’ Zehad announced excitedly.’although I don’t know about college.’ ‘Wow, Congratulations! But how…’ Azure turned to theprofessor. ‘Eh…just a letter of recommendation.’ The professorsmiled awkwardly. ‘Then you must be a very famous Physicist, sir, aren’tyou?’ Azure asked. The professor didn’t deny it, but changed the topic. ‘Oh!Azure, this is your design paper. I forgot to return it to you.’ He handed thepaper to Azure. ‘Don’t you want to do some research with it?’ Azurethanked him and asked. ‘The British government won’t be satisfied with myresearch of the Pitcairn cave. I will have to tell them a lie. So I might beunable to use the paper without the support from the government. I think itwill be more useful in your hand.’ said the professor. ‘What about your plan, Zehad?’ The professor changedthe topic once again. Zehad smiled and read his plan of visiting places intheUK.The Tower of London, TowerBridge, Buckingham Palace...Azuresmiled. He remembered what Zehad had told him when they first met at Oeno: ‘Mydream is to visitEngland,because she is my homeland.’ In the summer that year, Azure and Zehad visitedalmost everywhere in theUK.Zehad’s dreams all came true. Later in September, Zehad went into the college.He was glad to know that the professor was a real professor there and theycould meet each other at class and after class. At that time, Azure went toFranceto studymaking wine. There he also had time to practice his special power. One day in October, he went back to his house. He wasrelieved to see that all his property was undisturbed. Suddenly, he felt a kindof coldness approaching. He turned and stared at the direction. Meanwhile, somegrapevines grew up and stuck a figure in the garden. ‘Hey, don’t be so cruel, Azure.’ The person spoke. Azure glanced at him and recognized WL. He frowned.The vines uncoiled themselves to release him. WL stood up. ‘Nice to meet you, my dear friend. ’Azure said coldly. ‘Eh…Let’s…have a meeting, will you please?’ WL spokeembarrassedly. ‘Hmm. You need some tea, ha? Come in, please’ Somevines opened the door.