婉眸清扬吧 关注:49贴子:6,810
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1楼2016-08-12 17:51回复
    “Why you play with Mr Norton but never play with Mr Holmes?”Nero问。
    “I‘m not playing with Mr Norton.”艾琳回答。
    “But why you leave Mr Holmes alone?”Nero扬起他的脑袋,看着母亲的眼睛。
    “He once said alone protects him.”艾琳镇定地从那双蓝眼睛上移开目光。
    “So then, you leave him alone because you wants to protect him? Am I right?”Nero追问。

    2楼2016-08-12 17:57
      “So, we will meet Mr Holmes don't we?”Nero活蹦乱跳。
      “Nero, dear, don't call him Mr Holmes when you meet him.”艾琳给他围上围巾的时候警告他。
      “But why? You always call him Mr Holmes.”Nero给自己松了松围巾,“It's tight, mummy- so how should I call him?”
      艾琳瞟了他一眼,“Just call him...Mr Holmes.”
      “OK, I shall call him as my dearest daddy.”Nero咧开嘴笑了。

      4楼2016-08-12 18:00
        “Mr Holmes, good morning.”Nero进门时还是规规矩矩遵守了艾琳交给他的话。尽管低垂着目光,他和夏洛克相似的蓝眼睛还是不安分地瞟来瞟去。艾琳跟在他身后进了门,刻意跨过了那阶格外响的阶梯。
        母子俩后面的房东太太不明真相:“Wait, wait, ehh, Sherlock, I think they are your... client?”
        “I need to leave London for a few days.”等哈德森太太离开之后,艾琳斩钉截铁地说,“I've texted you.”
        “Oh, yeah.”夏洛克沉思着拿起手机,“Yesterday it fell into the water.”
        “Not my fault.”艾琳回答。
        “Mummy said I should call you as 'my dearest daddy'. Is it sound nice, Mr Holmes?”Nero抬起眼看着夏洛克,那一瞬间,夏洛克的面容松动了。

        5楼2016-08-12 18:09
          “Mummy told me a lot about you.”母亲走后,Nero埋头看了一下午的兰花书。傍晚的时候,他忽然来了这么一句。
          Nero又加上一句:“You really don't wanna know? And there are something about Mr Godfrey Norton.”
          “Ah, you frowned!”Nero敏锐地捕捉到侦探的面部表情。
          “……He is just one of the mysteries, one of the problems.”
          “I lied to you, Mr Holmes. I am sorry.”
          “About what?”
          “Mummy let me call you Mr sexy.”Nero冷静地说。荣获这一称呼的侦探先生差点没把手提电脑摔地上。

          6楼2016-08-12 18:26
            “Mummy, daddy don't like me.”Nero跟在艾琳身后回家的时候,闷闷不乐地说。“He even didn't talk to me.”
            “That's because you talk too much.”艾琳拉紧Nero的手。她明白Nero喜欢侦探,自从他见到夏洛克的第一眼,他就喜欢夏洛克——他的父亲。
            “By the way,”Nero一板一眼地说,“He warned me never call him Mr Sexy.”
            “You told him that?”艾琳停下脚步不可置信地看着Nero。
            “Yeah. I think he likes it.”

            7楼2016-08-12 18:30
              “I have a question,”Nero站在那面钉满相片的墙前,若有所思,“Look at this, Mr Holmes. This page said that both the Moon and the Sun can make the Earth run.”
              “So it might be possible if Smith wants to kill one of them.”Nero顿了顿,成功吸引了侦探的目光,“Once I saw a paper which was written 'It is a game for you, Mr Earth.' What if 'Earth' means THE Earth but not dirt? I mean, there was a joke said that if you are the Earth, Miss Hooper will be the Moon.”
              侦探忽然转过身一把抱起Nero:“There are no time for us, we must run.”
              “For what?”
              “To save Irene.”侦探迈开他的长腿开始奔跑。

              8楼2016-08-12 18:39

                9楼2017-01-05 12:59
                  Is there anyone here?

                  来自Android客户端10楼2017-03-05 19:28