
Hallo, Manuel, ich bin dein chinesischen Fans. Ich bin nicht gut in Deutsch, So hatten wir mit Ihnen in Englisch zu kommunizieren(Dein Bruder wird Englisch verwenden,ich denke,Sie sollten wissen, Englisch)
The following is English:
Send an email before, may be because the email address is wrong, so I can't receive the response. You have a lot of fans in China, I am one of them. We all love you very much, but there are few ways and methods to get your message, so some fans on facebook to contact your brother, get some informations of you from your brother.
We even tried to contact your violin partner, but got no response. We can't find any social account of you , you may not use your real name registration. We can't gei more information of you.One day,a fan found this site, We hope to be able to contact you by email.
Key: we really hope you can tell us some of your social accounts, so that we can get your news ,we also can contact to you. If you don't have a social account, we hope you can open up a facebook account or a Chinese software called weibo . We are very eager to get your news, hope to get your response.
By Your Chinese fans: 哔

(A 13-year-old girl)
China time on August 19, 2016 , 1 PM on Friday afternoon