南昌朗阁吧 关注:28贴子:372
  • 9回复贴,共1




1楼2016-11-22 15:39回复
    PART 1
    Where is your hometown?
    What do you like most about your hometown?
    Do you want to live in your hometown in future?

    2楼2016-11-22 15:40
      Did you like drawing when you were a child?
      Do you like visiting art museum?
      Do you usually write by hand or use a computer?
      Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
      Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?

      3楼2016-11-22 15:40
        PART 2
        A website you often visit
        An advertisement that you have seen recently
        A wedding you have been to
        A time you missed an important appointment for something
        A tall building you like or dislike
        A (car; motorbike or bike) journey you would like to go on
        A small business you want to start up
        An interesting or unusual thing you did recently in your free time
        An experience that made you laugh
        Someone you met recently and would like to know more about
        A gift/item you recently gave to others
        A time you were very busy
        A big company you are interested in
        A place you get relaxed frequently
        A foreign country where you would like to work for a short time
        A short journey you often take but do not like
        An activity after work or school day ends
        A song that you are interested in
        A creative person that you admire
        An interesting public place that you like to visit
        A situation that you got angry
        A piece of important equipment in your home that you use frequently

        4楼2016-11-22 15:41

          5楼2016-11-22 15:41
            A time when you need to use imagination
            A piece of good news that you received
            An area of science that you are interested in(maths or physics)
            A time that you had to get up early
            A mistake that you once made Your favorite film
            An activity you do to keep fit
            An activity you occasionally do that is a little expensive
            A garden or park you visited and like
            A positive change you have had
            An occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time
            A sport stadium that is important in your city
            An app in your phone or your computer

            6楼2016-11-22 15:41
              An interesting tradition in your country
              A difficult decision that you once made and prove to be right in the end
              A person who you spent most of time with
              A course that you want to learn
              A personality of yours
              An important skill you learned when you were a child
              A time you are close to the wild animal
              A method that help you save money
              A person who just moved to new accommodation
              A time that you shared something with someone
              A place near water you enjoy visiting
              A team project for study or entertainment
              A creative inventor or musician that you know
              A leader that you admire
              A special meal you would like to have
              An old thing that your family has kept for a long time

              7楼2016-11-22 15:41
                PART 3
                Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something
                Which one is more important, appointment with friends or appointment related to work?
                What kinds of methods will you use to record information?
                Will the usage of electronic device lead people to have a bad memory?
                Which one is more important, good analysis ability or good memory?

                8楼2016-11-22 15:42

                  9楼2016-11-22 15:44