Killing just one of Templars will not give me the revenge I seek.
You are the first tiger to fall but you will not be the last.
I will free our land from the Templars and their pawns. I will rebuild our Brotherhood.
Before that, I shall remain invisible, like a ghost, until the target is found.
◊ 邵君:moi萌菌 (本人)
◊ Photo by BunnyTuan
◊ Staff:CaptainBunbun
微博发片 http冒号//weibo点com/3939011546/Elm6jCeVW?type=comment#_rnd1481527732362
微博号 moi萌菌 http冒号//weibo点com/moimengjun/
半次元 http冒号//bcy点net/coser/detail/24968/945208
You are the first tiger to fall but you will not be the last.
I will free our land from the Templars and their pawns. I will rebuild our Brotherhood.
Before that, I shall remain invisible, like a ghost, until the target is found.
◊ 邵君:moi萌菌 (本人)
◊ Photo by BunnyTuan
◊ Staff:CaptainBunbun
微博发片 http冒号//weibo点com/3939011546/Elm6jCeVW?type=comment#_rnd1481527732362
微博号 moi萌菌 http冒号//weibo点com/moimengjun/
半次元 http冒号//bcy点net/coser/detail/24968/945208