喷神james吧 关注:9,435贴子:94,739



IP属地:江苏1楼2016-12-18 13:09回复

    IP属地:江苏2楼2016-12-18 13:10
      Ep 5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
      “how is anyone supposed to get that pizza down there” (Dungeons and Dickholes)
      Ep 9. Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu
      "shit pickle" (General)
      Ep 11. Double Dragon
      "Bimmy & Jimmy" (Boo! Haunted house)
      Ep 12. Friday the 13th
      "Jason" (Boo! Haunted house)
      "You and your friends are dead" (Death screen)
      "This weapon sucks, just arcs over everything" (General)
      Ep 13. A Nightmare on Elm Street
      "Boo! Haunted house"
      "Freddy's coming" (Boo! Haunted house)
      Ep 21. Ghostbusters
      "Ghost" (Boo! Haunted house)
      Ep 27. Silver Surfer

      IP属地:江苏3楼2016-12-18 13:16
        Ep 30. The Simpsons
        "Follow the blocks" (General)
        Ep 31. Bug’s Bunny’s Birthday Blowout
        "Everything you try to step on breaks away" (General)
        Ep 32. Atari Porn
        Ep 34. Fester’s Quest
        "Snowball man" (Blizzard of Balls)
        "Spike balls" (General)
        Ep 46. Super Mario Bro 3
        "Super Mecha Death Christ 2000" (Powerup)
        "The devil" (Thy Farts Consumed)
        Ep 47. NES accessories
        "zapper", "superscope" (weapons)

        IP属地:江苏5楼2016-12-18 13:22
          Ep 55. BattleToads
          "catchy beat" (pause screen)
          Ep 57. Dracula
          "Fred Fuchs" (LJN)
          Ep 66. Atari Jaguar
          "Where did you learn to fly" & "Where did you learn to be an asshole"
          (Future Fuckballs 2010)
          Ep 70. Terminator
          "you can shoot on the ladder" (General)
          Ep 76. Super Pitfall
          "lava, fire sharks, spikes coming from the side, upside-down volcanos"
          (Dungeons and Dickholes)
          Ep 78 Wayne‘s World
          "your weapon is a guitar that shoots sonic booms" (Guitar guy)

          IP属地:江苏6楼2016-12-18 13:26
            Ep 79. Castlevania Part 1
            "spike chandeliers"
            "medusa heads"
            "knights throwing axes, take nine fucking hits"
            "what a horrible night to have a curse"
            Ep 80. Castlevania Part 2
            "zombies" (Assholevania & Boo! Haunted house)
            Ep 81 Castlevania Part 3
            "hop across platforms to fight Dracula" (LJN)
            Ep 84. Winter Games
            "Blizzard of Balls"
            Ep 85. Street fighter 2010
            "it's the year 2010" (Future Fuckballs 2010)

            IP属地:江苏7楼2016-12-18 13:30
              Ep 87. Ninja Gaiden
              "slippery ice" (Blizzard of Balls)
              Ep 90. Action 52
              "Whoever came up with this is an asshole" (Future Fuckballs 2010)
              Ep 91. Cheetahman
              "an arm reached out and pulled him inside by the balls" (Opening)
              Ep 92. Game Glitchs
              "glitch gremlin" (Powerup)
              "Super Mario Bro 2, logs" (Happy Fun Candy Time)
              Ep 93. Zelda II
              "Link gets hurt by bubbles" (Dungeons & Dickholes)
              Ep 95. Mr Hyde revisited
              "My Hyde" (Assholevania)
              "birds shitting dog turds" (General)

              IP属地:江苏8楼2016-12-18 13:35
                Ep 100. R.O.B the robot
                "R.O.B" (Future Fuckballs)
                Ep 101. Spielberg Games
                "Smile, you son of a X" (Thy farts consumed)
                Ep 107. Schwarzenegger Games
                "Bubbles kill you" (Dungeons and Dickholes)
                Ep 108. Ghosts n Goblins
                "shitty powerups blocking the path" (General)
                Ep 110. Ikari Warriors
                "guitar guy"
                "scrotum guns" (Future Fuckballs 2010)

                IP属地:江苏9楼2016-12-18 13:40

                  10楼2016-12-18 13:44
                    Ep 9. 楚大师和胡酒鬼 Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu

                    IP属地:江苏12楼2016-12-18 14:10
                      Ep 12. 黑色星期五 Friday the 13th

                      So once all six of your camp counselors are gone, the game is over.
                      That's a genius. That's the best gameover screen I ever saw.
                      For real, I'm actually being dead serious, dead fuckin serious!
                      That's brilliant, right?
                      You and your friends are dead, game over. It's priceless.
                      I can't believe it, isn't that a mean thing to say to kids?
                      Nobody ever dies in Nintendo.
                      But here comes a game, like 《Friday the 13th》, that just cuts the bullshit, show some balls, comes flat out and says: "You're fuckin dead, and your friends too."
                      And what if there's a sequel? It would have to say something even worse.
                      I got it, I got a good idea what it should say.
                      You're dead.
                      Your friends are dead.
                      Your family's dead.
                      Your fuckin pets are being skinned alive.
                      Your mother is a fuckin whore.
                      You suck at life.
                      The whole world hates you.
                      You are going to hell.
                      Live with it.
                      Game over.

                      IP属地:江苏14楼2016-12-18 14:57
                        Ep 12. 黑色星期五 Friday the 13th

                        IP属地:江苏15楼2016-12-18 15:05

                          IP属地:江苏16楼2016-12-18 15:07

                            IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端18楼2016-12-18 17:26
                              Ep 12. 黑色星期五 Friday the 13th

                              Love this game.
                              Love the way the stones keep missing the zombies, because they go in this nice arc that flies over them.
                              Gotta get the knife, it's mandatory

                              IP属地:江苏19楼2016-12-18 20:45