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now take longest, on average, to complete work on claims assigned to them. != ability to handle claims promptly is affected as little as possible by the staff cuts,
not equal

16楼2016-12-29 09:51
    In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.
    Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?
    Undermine= internal logic
    w to p.
    p is more dangerous because more number
    (Defining goals)
    Dangerous is not measure by number of injuried. but possibility of getting injuired.

    17楼2016-12-29 09:54
      Metal rings recently excavated from seventh-century settlements in the western part of Mexico were made using the same metallurgical techniques as those used by Ecuadorian artisans before and during that period. These techniques are sufficiently complex to make their independent development in both areas unlikely. Since the people of these two areas were in cultural contact, archaeologists hypothesize that the metallurgical techniques used to make the rings found in Mexico were learned by Mexican artisans from Ecuadorian counterparts.
      Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the archaeologists' hypothesis?
      T in A and T in B the same.
      B learn from A ( not A to B)

      18楼2016-12-29 10:00
        In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sales can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be most helpful to find out which of the following?
        Following several years of declining advertising sales, the Greenville Times reorganized its advertising sales force. Before reorganization, the sales force was organized geographically, with some sales representatives concentrating on city-center businesses and others concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorganization attempted to increase the sales representatives' knowledge of clients' businesses by having each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or of retailing. After the reorganization, revenue from advertising sales increased.
        reorg/ vertical knowledge -----> revenue in ads service

        19楼2016-12-29 10:06
          First, understand and learn the various question types. To broadly list the types, they are - Strengthen/Weaken the argument, Evaluate, Inference, Complete the argument, Boldface, find the Assumption, find the flaw, paradox etc. It is very important to understand what the question stem is asking before understanding the argument. (The Manhattan GMAT guide for critical reasoning helped me a lot to improve on this. )
          Initially, try to make a quick summary of the argument on paper. Write down only the most important aspects of the argument, using short-hand, signs and variables. Try to identify the premise (facts, supporting statements, information) and the conclusion of the argument. Most of the time the question stem expects you to work on the conclusion of the argument. Track down and attack the conclusion. Start with some pre-thinking before looking at the options, for e.g. What will strengthen the conclusion ? What acts as a bridge between the facts and the conclusion (For assumption questions) ? What could be the reason for such unexpected finding ? During the CR question, remember, that only the information provided by the argument is to be used to work on the argument.
          Once you get the general idea about the argument and the question stem, only then start looking at the options (Do not hurry in this process, else you may end up going back and forth between the argument and options). Try to eliminate 2-3 incorrect options. Such options are out-of-scope, irrelevant, going against the question stem or plainly absurd. When left with last 2 options, refer to the conclusion, question stem (from your summary) and take a wise decision. This process can be completed in less than 2 minutes but only with practice. (I got 90% accuracy with this process)
          Initially try to master these CR question types, in this order : Strengthen, Weaken, Paradox, Inference, Assumption. These question type will more or less make up for 80% of your CR questions on the test (as per my observation). Do not fret over complicated hard CR questions in the beginning. Start practicing with easy and medium level questions first.
          Some quick strategy points :
          Strengthen, Weaken and Paradox question options may contain new information, do not eliminate unless you are quite sure.
          Assumption options bridge the gap between facts and conclusion of the argument. Negation test : If you negate the correct answer , it will weaken the conclusion completely. This works only on assumption questions
          Evaluate : Try to find the answer which has maximum impact on the conclusion i.e. it can both strengthen/weaken the conclusion.
          This is just some basic idea to start with CR. I used to dread CR questions but with enough practice, it became my strength in Verbal (Along with SC).

          20楼2016-12-31 09:32
            来自iPhone客户端21楼2017-01-03 03:09
                gmat逻辑正确的分类是按照论证形式来分类的,简单来讲就是按照前提和结论的关系来分类的。gmat 逻辑其实考的是评估论证。而在你评估论证之前,是要首先知道这个论证的构建方式的。在非形式逻辑学领域这种种评估论证的方法叫做 Critical Question,简称 CQ。不同的推理模式下CQ的方向和数量完全不同,通过了解不同的推理模式,就掌握了正确答案的方向。
                两个事情(A,B)的相同点列出来,然后再给出A的一个特点,推理B也应该具有这个特点,B的这个特点就是原文的结论。题目形式如: A和B都有特点 D1,D2,……Dn,可由A有X, 推出B有X。

              来自iPhone客户端22楼2017-01-03 03:11
                  (2)抽象形式:Premise:有一个现象/结果。Conclusion: 解释这个现象或者结果。

                来自iPhone客户端23楼2017-01-03 03:12
                    (2)抽象形式:Premise: 某个事情(原因)。Conclusion:造成某个结果,或者说带来某个现象。
                    (2)问题种类:must be true, main conclusion等。
                    must be true: 迷惑性选项有可能为真,但不一定为真;扩大范围;包含新信息;偷换概念等。
                    Main point:迷惑性选项有答案为真,但未包括作者结论,或者答案是原文前提的改写或重复。

                  来自iPhone客户端24楼2017-01-03 03:12