The Irish people have long been noted for their music and dance. Irish dances, such as the jig, have become hits in such shows as Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. The Irish are also famous for rock and pop music. The groups U2, Hot House Flowers, the Cranberries, Sinéad O’Connor, and the Corrs all come from Ireland. of the Irish folk song: Since the Middle Ages, the harp has become Ireland's most popular musical instruments. 12 century, the court poet of the songs, but also more oriented to harp; Unfortunately, those Gepu already lost, leaving only part of the lyrics. To the 17th century, that is, when the British rule in Ireland, the court poet gradually decline, and harp soloist, is still active in the corner. Another instrument called pipers, also very popular in Ireland, perhaps because Qi Rinaldi (celti) especially like to hear that voice high and sharp!
of the Irish folk song: Since the Middle Ages, the harp has become Ireland's most popular musical instruments. 12 century, the court poet of the songs, but also more oriented to harp; Unfortunately, those Gepu already lost, leaving only part of the lyrics. To the 17th century, that is, when the British rule in Ireland, the court poet gradually decline, and harp soloist, is still active in the corner. Another instrument called pipers, also very popular in Ireland, perhaps because Qi Rinaldi (celti) especially like to hear that voice high and sharp!
of the Irish folk song: Since the Middle Ages, the harp has become Ireland's most popular musical instruments. 12 century, the court poet of the songs, but also more oriented to harp; Unfortunately, those Gepu already lost, leaving only part of the lyrics. To the 17th century, that is, when the British rule in Ireland, the court poet gradually decline, and harp soloist, is still active in the corner. Another instrument called pipers, also very popular in Ireland, perhaps because Qi Rinaldi (celti) especially like to hear that voice high and sharp!