TheTwinzare ahip hopduo fromLong Beach, California, consisting of twin brothers Deon "Trip Locc" Williams and Dewayne "Wayniac" Williams. After working withWarren Gon his debut albumRegulate...G Funk Era, the Twinz released their own debut albumConversationin 1995. That same year, the Twinz performed their hit single, "Round & Round," on an episode of Nickelodeon'sAll That.
In 1997 the duo appeared onWarren G's second album "Take a Look Over Your Shoulder" on the track "We Brings Heat". OnTha Eastsidaz2000 debut album,Snoop Dogg Presents Tha Eastsidaz, the Twinz were featured on the track "Dogghouse". In 2009 with the help of Snoop Dogg, Twinz released an EP titledSnoop Dogg Presentz Tha Twinz - Tha Loccs, which has five tracks four of them including the rapperlil Half Dead, and three tracks includingSnoop Dogg[1]