地球佛国吧 关注:3贴子:88




来自Android客户端1楼2017-02-15 16:18回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2017-02-15 16:19

      来自Android客户端3楼2017-02-15 16:20

        来自Android客户端4楼2017-02-15 16:21
          Leading Human onto the Bright Road of Peace, Harmony, Civilization, Completeness and Wisdom
          Peace, harmony, completeness, integration and new civilization have become significant topics in the world today. Accordingly, the realization of such wonderful wishes has also been an important theme among human today. However, how to realize them? The Preparatory Committee of World Religious Grand Unification, Preparatory Committee of World Political Grand Unification and World Communication Council of Midheaven Jampa Etiquette Culture inform the people all over the world: only through accepting the guidance of saints, abiding the rescue, salvation and governance from saints as well as constructing an Earth Government of unified governance that integrates the new system of God governance, etiquette governance and legal system, i.e. an Earth Buddhist Country of communism, democracy, public benefit and spirituality, would the grand harmonies of human on the earth and dharmadhatu in the universe be truly achieved, the reincarnation fundamentals of alternations in state political power and human civilization be effectively and thoroughly uprooted, the various crises (such as war, survival, economy, politics, morality and religion, etc.) that threaten human be effectively and completely resolved, and eventually would human step in a peaceful, harmonious, integrated, wise and wonderful new era and new civilization.
          Religion and politics are two indispensable elements to enhance human progress, which never leave throughout human’s reproduction and development. No matter whether politics or religion gets ahead, the two separate or integrate, human accept or not, politics and religion have had a significant influence on human, and human peace, harmony, stability and development are crucially associated with politics and religion. Therefore, the addressing of religious and political issues plays a significant role in figuring out problems of human.

          来自Android客户端5楼2017-02-15 16:23
            In addition to being certain kind of culture, religion sets culture as a carrier, and serves as a guidance and convention that is established by the advanced intelligent life in the universe and human, on the relationships between help and be helped, save and be saved. Deviating from catechism, religion is just like a boat far away from the shore, while religion without a hierarch is just like a helmsman lost his ferry. Religion is a belief under the guidance of hierarch, a pure catechism deviating from the saints saving promises and a culture of saints, while the culture that researches on the saints' culture is philosophy. It is ignorant and reasonless to hang on the past classical studies, separate the dynamic relationship between saints and scriptures, exclude other powers associated with the saving and being saved, reject the new serving methods appropriate to the establishment of saint arrangement required by human and multi-dimensional new karma of all living creatures, defend tenaciously the beliefs of hierarchs, notables and scriptures in all religions, as well as stay in the old karma. The hierarch cults and liberation dependency agreed in the scriptures in all religions are irresolvable simply by integrate harmony, political compromise and mutual-benefit, economic integration and win-win, monetary capital control and military hegemony killing means. Therefore, it is difficult to fundamentally resolve different conflicts and crises of human, balance the interests of all countries, and realize true peace, harmony and stability among the mankind. Religion is the foundation of morality, the religion Dharma belief of heaven-man unity and the good adhipati-pratyaya of peace, harmony, stability, improvement and liberation for human and all living creatures in reincarnation.

            来自Android客户端6楼2017-02-15 16:31
              None of the things and problems of human survival is isolated, as various complex karma of multi-dimensional living creatures from the Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, Arupadhatu are involved. The assistance on human liberation provided by the God, Buddha, Bodhisattva, Angel, Vajra and Dhammapala from the Spirit World, as well as the various entanglements of karma and retribution from karmic creditors, ancient clan relatives, immortals, demons and ghosts, are objective existence. To solve the numerous problems of humanity, apart from adjusting their own problems of mankind, the relationships between human beings and all living creatures from multi dimensions of the universe shall be maintained. It is critical for human to take the initiative to accept the guidance of five heaven-man three-dimensional Dharmadhatu ideologies. Such five heaven-man unities include: the unity of human and primitive clean Dhammakaya; the unity of human and natural material world; the unity of human and the Spirit World management mode; the unity of human and the saving saints in the Spirit World; and the unity of human mind, body and spirit.

              来自Android客户端7楼2017-02-15 16:32
                Saints with Dharmadhatu authority are necessary for the regulation of human world together with the spirit world; saints with serving capability are necessary for the guidance on regressing the ultimate destination of human spirit; impartial conciliations from saints with cognition beyond human perception are necessary for fundamentally solving the interest conflicts among different countries; saints with Dharmadhatu authority and capacity are necessary for the regulation of outdated religious confusions and the establishment of new religions; saints with solutions of great wisdom are necessary for the new ideologies in new era and new civilization. In fact, the civilizations of all ages are progressed by mankind under the guidance of heaven-man saints.

                来自Android客户端8楼2017-02-15 16:32
                  Therefore, problems of religion, military, politics, society, science, philosophy, culture and life, etc are fundamentally solved only under the guidance of the saints. People with lofty ideals who undertake the historical and Dharmadhatu moral missions have been making positive efforts to advocate, guide and help human from different levels and angles as well in different ways, towards peace, harmony and completeness, and into a new civilization of Great Unity. Since there are a great many of saints who are aware of or come to know their missions on the earth, it gets to a space-time point now to unify ideological understanding, action objectives and way of leading.

                  来自Android客户端9楼2017-02-15 16:33
                    Then how to unify? Unification comes first before demolishment and establishment, world changing, religion division and state partition. Maitreya Buddha, the universe personality Bhagavan and Dharmaraja Patriarch, had set new regulations of the Dharmadhatu to enable eternal ark since December 25, 2012 based on the previous Dharma, which has been leading human with new ideas and methods to set up new hierarch name, unify conversion object, unify understanding with the hierarch name, resolve religious disputes and unify religions through integrating cultural harmony with political guidance, serve all living creatures at the minimum cost, and eventually guide human wisely onto a liberating road of unified religion, unified Dharma and heaven-man unity, in accordance with the primitive unity ideology, the variable emptiness ideology, the karma concept, Dharmadhatu orderly concept and serving karma ideology. Awaken human, eliminate the narrow consciousness of state partition and ethnic autonomy, understand the common needs of human and the benefits to mankind resulted from unification , enable peace for all ages on the earth, resolve existing and future conflicts and crises, abide the guidance of Maitreya Buddha, harmoniously lead mankind to grand unified politics and an Earth Buddhist Country at the minimum cost. By virtue of the two grand unifications of religions and politics, as well as the two heaven-man unities of individual liberating rescue and collective promoting salvation, uproot the reincarnations of individual life and death together with political rise and fall, actually enhance human and step in an interstellar civilization era.

                    来自Android客户端10楼2017-02-15 16:33
                      Under the guidance of Maitreya Buddha, the holy beings from multi dimensions of the universe Dharmadhatu established a universe transitional government on Venus, which was officially launched on December 25, 2013. The personnel adjustment of holy being management in the Spirit World is ongoing; the adjustment of management mode of the Spirit World beings is under way; the alterations of reincarnation karma from the six- into four-cycle management while the karma from retribution in the afterlife into that in this life are ongoing; the transformation, learning, promotion and training of the goodness in the past religious beliefs are implementing; the clean-up and rectification of various garbage spirit are in progress;......

                      来自Android客户端11楼2017-02-15 16:34
                        The integrated nine-in-one management of religion, military, politics, philosophy, science, culture, economy, life and saint in line with the multi dimensions in the universe Dharmadhatu, constructs new civilization of heaven-man unity. Correct the materialism, idealism, nationalism, humanism, racism, multi-national autonomism and other faults, prejudiced, private and shortsighted views while get rid of inherent perception, understand and accept this great karma, pull together to assist Maitreya Buddha on the realization of common good wishes of mankind.

                        来自Android客户端12楼2017-02-15 16:34
                          In the anticipation of all beings being saved, we hereby mobilize the national political leaders, religious leaders, social elites, global citizens, friends, all those people with lofty ideals who undertake Dharmadhatu missions, to accept the guidance of Maitreya Buddha, thereby quickly step in the bright road of peace, harmony, civilization, completeness and wisdom as well as establish an Earth Buddhist Country. When everybody practices Maitreya Buddha, everybody becomes Maitreya; where every family has a Maitreya Buddha, there is a Maitreya country in the world.
                          May all beings on the earth and the universe live in a civilized, harmonious and friendly family. May all karmic beings be healthy, happy and propitious!
                          If you are willing to join us, please schedule your time, we will hold a Dharma assembly among the karmic beings for collective salvation, cleaning up illness karmic obstacles, ancient clan souls, karmic creditors, immortals, exogenous evil spirits, ghosts and other spirits on everybody. We also hope that all countries and religious groups schedule collective salvation of the departed souls that have been dead over the dynasties, ages and wars, etc.
                          If you are willing to join us, please schedule your time, we will invite the Dharmadhatuholy beings to communicate directly with you in a heaven-man interactive mode, thereby further understand the anticipation and assistance of the universe Dharmadhatuholy beings on the peace and harmony of human world.
                          欢迎转载!转载请注明源自 圣主弥乐佛救度网(www.stlord.top)。

                          来自Android客户端13楼2017-02-15 16:35
                             欢迎转载!转载请注明源自 【圣主弥乐佛救度网】。

                            来自Android客户端14楼2017-02-15 16:35
                               欢迎转载!转载请注明源自 【圣主弥乐佛救度网】。

                              来自Android客户端15楼2017-02-15 16:36