nstructions for Making a Simple Silver-Based Photographic Emulsion Suitable for Coating on Glass or Film
作者: Ed Buffaloe
翻译: 战 平
Ingredients: Gelatin, potassium bromide, potassium iodide, and silver nitrate.
成份:凝胶(明胶),溴化钾,碘化钾,硝酸银 Equipment: film or glass plates, metal plates, plastic stirring paddle, cheesecloth, gloves, safelight with light red filter (Kodak 1A or equivalent), 1 liter glass beaker or stainless steel bowl, 4 liter glass beaker or equivalent stainless steel bowl. A mechanical stirrer would be useful, but is not essential. 器具:透明胶片或玻璃板,金属板,塑料搅拌器,粗棉布,手套,安全灯(红色),1升的玻璃大口杯或不锈钢杯,4升的玻璃大口杯或等大的不锈钢杯,以及一个药品搅拌勺也许会派上用场。 1. Dissolve the gelatin. Dissolve 10 grams of gelatin in 360 ml warm distilled water.
1.溶解凝胶:用360ml的温蒸馏水溶解10克凝胶。 2. Dissolve the potassium bromide and potassium iodide. Add 32 grams of potassium bromide and 0.8 gram potassium iodide to the gelatin solution and stir until dissolved.
2.溶解溴化钾和碘化钾:将32克溴化钾和0.8克碘化钾放入凝胶溶液,并不断搅动直到溶解。 3. Heat the solution. Heat the mixture to 130o F (55o C). The solution must be maintained at that temperature. The simplest way to do this is to surround the solution with a water bath.
3.加热溶液:将上述溶液加热到55o C,并保持该温度。最简单的办法是水浴法。 4. Lights out. Turn out normal lights and work under a light red safelight.
4.关灯:关掉普通的灯,打开安全灯。 5. Make a solution of silver nitrate. Wear gloves when working with silver nitrate. Dissolve 40 grams of silver nitrate in 400 ml distilled water.
6. Combine the silver nitrate and gelatin solutions slowly. This is known as the precipitation stage. Add the silver nitrate solution slowly to the gelatin solution at a rate of 20 ml every 30 seconds for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The more slowly the silver nitrate is added, the larger will be the silver halide grains produced--and the larger the grains, the faster the emulsion.
6.混合两种溶液:这是个比较仓促的阶段。把硝酸银溶液缓慢的倒入明胶中,大约以30秒20毫升的速度持续10分钟。倾倒硝酸银溶液的速度越慢,银盐的卤化物生成的越多,从而感光度也越高。 7. Ripen the
作者: Ed Buffaloe
翻译: 战 平
Ingredients: Gelatin, potassium bromide, potassium iodide, and silver nitrate.
成份:凝胶(明胶),溴化钾,碘化钾,硝酸银 Equipment: film or glass plates, metal plates, plastic stirring paddle, cheesecloth, gloves, safelight with light red filter (Kodak 1A or equivalent), 1 liter glass beaker or stainless steel bowl, 4 liter glass beaker or equivalent stainless steel bowl. A mechanical stirrer would be useful, but is not essential. 器具:透明胶片或玻璃板,金属板,塑料搅拌器,粗棉布,手套,安全灯(红色),1升的玻璃大口杯或不锈钢杯,4升的玻璃大口杯或等大的不锈钢杯,以及一个药品搅拌勺也许会派上用场。 1. Dissolve the gelatin. Dissolve 10 grams of gelatin in 360 ml warm distilled water.
1.溶解凝胶:用360ml的温蒸馏水溶解10克凝胶。 2. Dissolve the potassium bromide and potassium iodide. Add 32 grams of potassium bromide and 0.8 gram potassium iodide to the gelatin solution and stir until dissolved.
2.溶解溴化钾和碘化钾:将32克溴化钾和0.8克碘化钾放入凝胶溶液,并不断搅动直到溶解。 3. Heat the solution. Heat the mixture to 130o F (55o C). The solution must be maintained at that temperature. The simplest way to do this is to surround the solution with a water bath.
3.加热溶液:将上述溶液加热到55o C,并保持该温度。最简单的办法是水浴法。 4. Lights out. Turn out normal lights and work under a light red safelight.
4.关灯:关掉普通的灯,打开安全灯。 5. Make a solution of silver nitrate. Wear gloves when working with silver nitrate. Dissolve 40 grams of silver nitrate in 400 ml distilled water.
6. Combine the silver nitrate and gelatin solutions slowly. This is known as the precipitation stage. Add the silver nitrate solution slowly to the gelatin solution at a rate of 20 ml every 30 seconds for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The more slowly the silver nitrate is added, the larger will be the silver halide grains produced--and the larger the grains, the faster the emulsion.
6.混合两种溶液:这是个比较仓促的阶段。把硝酸银溶液缓慢的倒入明胶中,大约以30秒20毫升的速度持续10分钟。倾倒硝酸银溶液的速度越慢,银盐的卤化物生成的越多,从而感光度也越高。 7. Ripen the