All-Star Batman #08
Aquaman v6 #019
Batman v3 #019
Batwoman v2 #01
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #06
Green Arrow v7 #019
Green Lanterns #019
Harley Quinn v3 #016
He-Man Thundercats #06
Injustice Gods Among Us Ground Zero #08
Justice League v3 #017
Lucifer v2 #016
Nightwing v4 #017
Odyssey Of The Amazons #03
Scooby-Doo Where Are You #079
Super Sons #02
Superman v5 #019 (Superman Reborn Part 3)
Trinity v2 #07
Wild Storm #02
其中属于DC Rebirth的为以下刊物:
All-Star Batman #08
Aquaman v6 #019
Batman v3 #019
Batwoman v2 #01
Green Arrow v7 #019
Green Lanterns #019
Harley Quinn v3 #016
Justice League v3 #017
Nightwing v4 #017
Super Sons #02
Superman v5 #019 (Superman Reborn Part 3)
Trinity v2 #07
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