如水流年似是安详 Serenity permeates through time 烟雨朦胧中回到了乡 In the rain my town seems within sight 谁在低声浅唱 那段旧时光 Whose songs linger around, chanting the old times 探一抹 明月闯入了西窗 A stream of moon sneaks quietly inside 石板上野草也猖狂 Weedies take over stone plate wild 遮住了小溪流的流向 Covering the way the stream heads 芭蕉树上花香 还有旧院墙 Fragrance up on the pine, the old wall left behind 老烟枪 只剩竹椅空摇荡 Old pipes breathe smoke; bamboo chair rocks aside 榕树还拴着我们儿时的梦想 On the Banyan trees our childhood dreams tie 那年盛夏说好天下一起闯 That summer an oath was taken to engrave the world on mind 童言无忌的时光 笑语渗进土壤 Alles gut written in time, laughter enclosed in the land 耳语轻声模样 慢慢被遗忘 Whispers and looks fade silently in the air 小村庄 徐徐清风略过了山岗 The village sees over the hill gentle breeze slide 旧池塘 小石头划破了安详 A pebble wakes the pond and the silent nights 思念紧拽着月光 飞回了老地方 Nostalgia entwines with moonlight; to the old place it flies 辗转难眠回望 小小的模样 On sleepless nights look back to what was mine 不能忘 Stay in mind