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Located in Manchester, the city that sees downpour almost every other day, Baracuta earned a solid reputation producing rainwear for Burberry and Aquascrutum. It was in 1937 that John and Isaac Miller decided to have their own go at the market and produced what would prove to be a versatile, timeless classic: the Baracuta G9.
创立于曼彻斯特,这座英国的“雨城”,Baracuta一开始依靠为Burberry与Aquascrutum代工雨衣而在业内小有名气。随后于1937年,创始人两兄弟John Miller与Isaac Miller不甘心让Baracuta继续在苦逼呵呵的代工之路走下去,决意推出拥有自己品牌烙印的产品,一代夹克经典“Baracuta G9”自此诞生。
A key design characteristic that would set the G9 apart from its contemporaries was its waist-length, allowing more freedom of movement than a trenchcoat or mac, while still offering protection during showers. Other trademarks include the button-fastened collar, elastic waistband and cuffs and the 5-point "umbrella" vent reverse. With the design nearly finished, the Miller brothers took to Scotland, asking Lord Lovat, head of the Fraser clan, for permission and license to use the clan's famous red tartan for the jacket's lining. With Lovat's consent in place, the brothers began manufacturing the classic G9 Harrington jacket, as well as other variations including the G4 and G10.
G9与当时其他夹克在设计上的一个重大区别是其长度,齐腰的长度设计使其与trenchcoat及mac相比,在带来更优异活动性的同时也提供了足够的防雨性。其他设计特点还包括系扣式衣领、使用弹性绷带的袖口与下摆、以及后背的“雨伞褶”。当G9设计几近完成之时,Miller兄弟动身前往苏格兰拜访Lord Lovat(费沙氏族的领袖),望其准许Baracuta使用费沙氏族有名的红色格子呢来制作夹克内衬。获允之后,G9夹克正式开始生产。
Being both functional and extremely refined, the versatile Baracuta G9 tread a fine line between casual and chic, soon drawing attention from all walks of life. In the 1950's Baracuta began exporting to the United States, where the "sports coat" quickly gained popularity amongst the mods adopting the Ivy League look.
The G9's silver screen debut in 1958, worn by Elvis Presley in King Creole, instantly propelled the Baracuta G9 to the forefront of fashion. Soon after, the jacket was embraced by other icons, including Frank Sinatra and The King of Cool, Steve McQueen, who popularized the natural colored G9. A decade after its introduction in the US, the Baracuta G9 was already cemented in the annals of fashion.
G9夹克荧幕处女秀出现在1958年。当时猫王穿着G9出演了电影King Creole,这迅速将G9推向了时尚前沿。随后G9被更多的名人所青睐,包括弗兰克·辛纳特拉与“酷王之王”史蒂夫・麦奎因。
The "Harrington" nickname was coined by John Simmons, owner of The Ivy Shop, after a character named Rodney Harrington who was often seen wearing the classic G9 in the popular 60's TV show Peyton Place. The show ended in 1969 but the nickname stuck around.
“哈灵顿”这个小名来自The Ivy Shop(一家1965年于英国Richmond设立的男装店)的老板约翰・西蒙斯。在六十年代热播的电视剧Peyton Place中,一位名叫罗德尼・哈灵顿的角色经常被看到穿着一件G9夹克,从此G9夹克有了“哈灵顿夹克”这个昵称。电视剧Peyton Place于1969年完结,但是“哈灵顿夹克”这个叫法流传至今。

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