邹兴伟吧 关注:124贴子:17,116

IP属地:美国1楼2017-04-03 16:53回复
    Cicero urges Catilline's depature from Rome
    We have the decree of senate against you , Catiline , a vehement and strong one ; we have the bitter judgement , and our state has the force and wisdom. What's it , Catiline ? Why do you stay?O the immortal gods ! Leave from this city now with the evil hands of criminals ; you will liberate me from the great fear , if you lead all those conspirators with you. If you dont leave now , We will eject you quickly. Nothing in our city can be delighted by you .Act , act ! Then run to Manlius ,to that bed friend ; He desired you for a long time. Start now ; wage the war in the state ! We will conquer you and all of you , the enemy of country , in a short time ; and you will always pay the heavy penalty to us all.

    IP属地:美国3楼2017-04-03 18:04
      1.The corns defends a stag from dangers.
      2.Oedipus deprived his own two eyes.
      3.Themistocles liberated Greece from servitude by the Persian war.
      4.Demosthenes was pronouncing many verses by one breath.
      5.I hate Persians displays.
      6.He lacks common sense.
      7.Old age deprives us all voluptaties and never be far away from death.
      8.No accuser is without faults ; We all have sinned.
      9.No part of life can be free from duty.
      10.The first virtue is to be seperated from vice.
      11.A man free from sin does not need javelins and bow.
      12.Great tumults used to disturb the city at that time.
      13.The letters to senate and people of Allobroges had been written by the hands of conspirators themselves.

      IP属地:美国4楼2017-04-03 18:08
        1.Too much praise however is often neither reliable nor great.
        2.Old men in our nation was never neglected by sons.
        3.Who had been ordered to liberate Greece from fear, defend families , and even keep the enemy from country?
        4. For the sake of common safery , he ordered those conspirators to leave the city and to be led across the river to the mountain.
        5.The other authors began to move our spirits against the judgement and even the argument of senate again , who all had been terrified by the new fear.
        6.All kinds of slavery are seen rough to us.
        7.Will Cicero consequently can be carried away from their hands?
        8.Who end of fear and slavery can be seen in that state?
        9.But for the sake of a good old age we should live good now.
        10.In their family there were two daughters and four sons.
        11.The house of our neighbors had few windows through what he could see.
        12.When he heard the horn, the old man kneeled down and pronounced thanks to the immortal gods.
        13.Because of gifts and common senses of the tyrant, Few hate him.
        14.Veritas sine labore magno non invenetur.
        15.Multae gentes quae vero pace carent bellis delentur
        16.Metus eorum nunc vinci possunt propter facta nostra omnibus intelleguntur
        17.Nisi studia gravia nos delectant, pecuniae aut laudis causa saepe negleguntur.

        IP属地:美国5楼2017-04-03 21:11
          1.Dangers never can be conquered without danger. - PVBLILIVS SYRVS
          2.Novius is my neighbor and he is able to be touched by my right hand from my window. - MARTIALIS
          3.Won't the judge order him to be led in chains and to be seized to death? - CICERO
          4.The other time is worn out by civil war and Rome herself is destroyed by her own forces. - HORATIVS
          5.But the friendship is shut out from nowhere ; it is never untimely or harmful ; it contains many benefits. - CICERO
          6.Future can not be known. - CICERO
          7.In the beginning the world itself have been made for the sake of Gods and human , and to who are in that , them were provided to the enjoyment of human. - CICERO
          8.How agriculture is abundantly praise by Xenophon in that book which is entitled as Oeconomicus. - CICERO
          9.The common people want to be deceived. - PHAEDRVS
          10.Where are the knowlegde and wisdom found ? - IOB
          11.The truth is too often in distress ; but is never to be extinguished. - LIVIVS

          IP属地:美国6楼2017-04-03 21:48
            Virgil's Messianic Eclogue
            The great new age is coming soon ; the boy is sent from sky , who will have the life of gods and will see the gods and himself will be seen by them. This boy will rule the world which the virtue of the father will give peace to. But few wicked men, however, will remain, who will order human to be in distress and will wage harsh war. Even there will be the same wars over again and again , and great Achilles will be sent to Troy.Then, boy, where soon you will be made a man in a long time, there will be no works , no wars ; sailors will step out the ships , farmers will even reliquish the lands , and earth herself will provide all thing to all humans. Hurry up, times ; Begin, little boy, to be born, and there will be enough spirits to me to tell your deeds.

            IP属地:美国7楼2017-04-03 22:41
              1.Our neighbor threw theirselves into knees(i.e. kneel down) immediately and praised all Gods in the world.
              2.The Greek nations were enclosed by huge mountains and small territories.
              3.Who ordered that republic to be liberated from harsh slavery?
              4."He," he said , "will be destroyed by his own evil in a short time."
              5.Against the orther hands of the evil citizens the same things were provided again ; We defend the republic and who they leaves quickly.
              6.Old age always keep the old men from the center of affairs.
              7.But the important matters are never carried with force nor hope but wisdom.
              8.If you neglected the versus of those two poets , you will be lack of a great part of Roman litterature.
              9.At the same time our hopes of common safety are nourished by your fidelity , our spirits are lifted up , and our fear are reliquished.
              10.Some new kinds of crimes are found in this city which many even lack of good character and common sense and even have harmful nature.
              11.The common people threw many from the windows of house,
              12.Fides magna nunc potest inveniri in hac re publica.
              13.Novae spes eius deletae erant timore communi rerum uncertarum.
              14.Hoc die virtus et fides virorum feminarum fortium Romanarum omnibus videntur.
              15.Magno spe tyrannus illas naves iussit deleri.
              16.Ipsum manu sinistri eorum aut dextri non poterat defendere.

              IP属地:美国8楼2017-04-05 01:04
                1.As long as there is life , there is hope. - CICERO
                2.Keep a calm mind in difficult matters. - HORATIVS
                3.Where there is a tyrannt , there is clearly no republic. - CICERO
                4.There formerly have been men of great virtue ant antique fidelity in this republic. - CICERO
                5.We wish this republic to be safe. - CICERO
                6.Hopes of the conspirators are nourished by the soft opinions of many citizens. - CICERO
                7.Republic is rescued from fire and sword by my plan that day. - CICERO
                8.Because of they hate war ,they worked for peace with fidelity. - LIVIVS
                9.Speak with good fidelity to me : you didnt snatch away that money from his right hand ? - PLAVTVS
                10.A reliable friend is distinguished in an uncertain affiar. - ENNIVS
                11.Homer grabs audience in the center of affiars. - HORATIVS
                12.Blessed is he who can understand the causes of things ; and fortunate is he who loves the ancient gods. - VIRGILIVS
                13.Our Stoic , "Vice," he says , "is not in the matters but in the mind itself." - SENECA
                14.And I will subject things to myself , not myself to things. - HORATIVS
                15.There are methods in things ; they are certain boundaries beyond which virtue can not be found. - HORATIVS
                16.Fortune , is it seem fair to you? - MARTIALIS

                IP属地:美国10楼2017-04-05 01:35
                  A Visit From The Young Interns
                  I used to be weak : but you came immediately
                  Symmachus , accompanied by one hundred students ,
                  One hundred hands of chilled north wind touched me:
                  I didnt have a fever , Symmachus , but now I have one !

                  IP属地:美国11楼2017-04-05 01:44
                    ( ˙-˙ )

                    IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端12楼2017-04-05 07:11
                      On Ambition And Literature , Both Latin And Greek
                      Poets are able to give great and everlasting fame through their literature to human ; many people , therefore , wish the literature of their affiars to be written. We are dragged by all pursuits of praise and are led by many glory , which can be found in Greek literature or in Latin literature. Who , however , sees many benefits of glory in verses of Latin but not in Greek , mistaken too much , which Greek literature are read in almost all nations, but Latin are enclosed by its own limits.

                      IP属地:美国14楼2017-04-05 16:20
                        1.I never decide before something has been heard.
                        2.You didnt help that orator who had been sought the end of war and crime in the center of senate again.
                        3. Certain enjoyments of peace were been pursued by terrified people and senates.
                        4.Which magnanimous man will liberate other nations from strong fear of servitude?
                        5.No one ignoring faith will ever lack fear.
                        6.That fortunate woman developed these plans that against those evils formerly , and always worked for the sake of common safety.
                        7.They are about to oppress that Latin tribe and snatch the wealth , so they began to pursue and exterminate all great men of probity immediately.
                        8.Will the fame of this doctor be raised up by that new verse?
                        9.But the life of that calm manner contains a kind of joyment and happiness.
                        10.On which day you are rescued from fire and sword , and the certain death?
                        11.Multam rem gentibus spe carentibus dedimus.
                        12.Illi decem viri , vocati , iterum venient magno cum studio.
                        13.Per fenestram secundum senem currentem ex casa vicini eis et ab urbe viderunt.
                        14.Iste ipse oppressus est timore incerto propter desideto nec veritatem nec libertatem.

                        IP属地:美国15楼2017-04-06 09:58

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端16楼2017-04-06 10:35
                            1.You will live oppressing by my guards. - CICERO
                            2.They however , stretching thier right hand , begged for safety. - LIVIVS
                            3.Thirsty Tantalus desired to touch the river which fleeing from his mouth. - HORATIVS
                            4.Signs of things about to be are showed to the world by gods. - CICERO
                            5.Captured Greece captured its fierce conquerer(which means Rome). - HORATIVS
                            6.Atticus gave many money to Cicero , who was fleeing out his country. - NEPOS
                            7.If you will entrust him to me to be educated , I will start to form his studies from infancy - QVINTILIANVS
                            8.Always use the eraser , you are going to write a good little book. - HORATIVS
                            9.The anxiety of the orator who about to speak delights who about to listen. - QVINTILIANVS
                            10.I always weep over the death of Socrate , when reading Plato. - CICERO
                            11.The memories of a life well lived and of many things well done is satisfying. - CICERO
                            12.He who terrified lives , wont be free in any time. - HORATIVS
                            13.It is not miserable he who do something when he is ordered , but he who do something unwilling. - SENECA
                            14.A word which was once sent out flies irrevocablely. - HORATIVS

                            IP属地:美国17楼2017-04-06 11:57
                              Laocoon Speaks Out Against The Trojan Horse
                              Oppressed by the long war and by the averse gods , the leaders of Greece , now after ten years , made a great wooden horse by the skill of Minerva.Its belly was fulled by many soldiers , they reliquished the horse on the shore, and navigated to the other side of a nearby island.Trojans saw there is no armies or ships ; all Trojan rejoiced ; the gate was opened. However, about the horse , Trojans were unsure. Some wanted to it to be led in the city ; Some called it the plots of Greeks.Who the first here before everyone , ran from the citadel , Laocoon , a Trojan priest,said these words : "Oh miserable citizens , you are not sane ! What are you thinking about? Cant you know Greeks and their plots? Or you will find many sharp soldiers in that horse , or the horse is a war machine, created to against us , about to come into our city , spy on our houses and people. Or someone was hidden there. Dont trust the horse , Trojans ,whatever it is , I am afraid of Greeks and especially the gifts of them!" He said , then he threw a strong spare by the great strength of his left hand , into belly of the horse, it stood , start shaking .
                              VIRGILIVS , AENEID ,2.13-52
                              To be continued

                              IP属地:美国18楼2017-04-06 12:41