黑月亮战鸽蝗军吧 关注:4贴子:43




IP属地:上海18楼2017-04-06 22:18

    IP属地:河北19楼2017-04-07 09:12
      那么为了安全稳妥,诸君看看是否需要自备治疗药水(毕竟这玩意随便谁都能拿来dun dun dun,比起神术和CLW还是方便许多)
      一级50GP 治疗轻伤 治疗量 1D8+1
      二级300GP 治疗中度伤 治疗量 2D8+3

      IP属地:江苏20楼2017-04-07 09:21

        IP属地:江苏21楼2017-04-07 10:01
          the art of alchemy has produced many useful substances that have seemingly miraculous properties. in truth,these materials have no magical properties at all. alchemists claim that their creations function strictly according to natural laws,and that maght be so.
          alchemical effects tend to be less potent than comparable magical items are typically cheap to produce. here are some recent alchemical inventions that adventurers of all kinds might find useful.
          Auran Mask:this mast fits over the character's nose and mouth.the bulk of the item is a cloth packet holding a porous,spongelike substance. it requires q move action to put on or remove,and once a single breath is taken though the mask ,its venefits last fot only 1 hour (or less if taken under water).
          a creature wearing an auran mask receives a +5 circumstance bonus on fortitude saves against inhaled toxins.in addition,the wearer can breathe underwater as if under the effect of a water breathing spell,though immersing the auran mastk in water reduces its remaining duration to 10 minutes (or less,if less than 10 minutes remain)
          Crackle Powder:this alchemical powder creates a loud crackling noise,like a broomstick breaking,whenever it is jostled or struck.a single packet covers 5-foot-radius area;applying the powder requires a full-round action.once in place,the powder remains active for 1 hour and inposes a -10 penalty on move silently checks made when traversing the area.
          fast torch:this item consists of a tube of waxed paper set into a short wooden handle.the end opposite the handle has a wax seal,and the whole item is about the size of a normal torch.an alchemical substance packed inside the tube ignites when expose to air.lighting the torch is as simple as removing the wax seal,which requires a swift action.
          the lit torch produces a brilliant white light that produces brihgt illumination in a 30-foot radius and shadowy illumination 30 feet beyond that.
          a fast torch burns for 10 minutes ,even in high winds or underwater(though it can't be ignited underwater).it's possible to extinguish a fast torch by burying it in sand(or a similar substance)or by grinding it out against a nonflammable suface.either method requires a full-round actions;once extinguished,it can't be relit.
          screaming flask:this container is made from thick leather with a cap sewn on tight and fitted with a ripcord.pulling the cord rips open the flask and activates the alchemical substance within.the flask emits a high-pitched shriek in a 15-foot cone.anything in the cone takes 1d8 points of sonic damage and is deafend for 1 minute(fortitude DC 15 negates).
          weeping flask:this item looks like an empty half-gallon waterskin with an airtight seal.when it is opened and exposed to air,an alchemical substance within the flask slowly produces drinkable water.the flask produces water at a rate of 8 ounces per hour(becoming completely full after 8 hours).the water can be poured out as it appears or simply kept in the container.
          物品    重量    价格   炼金术DC
          奥兰面具  *     60GP   25
          噼啪粉   *     30GP   20
          速燃火把  1/2磅    5GP   20
          啸叫瓶   1磅     40GP   25
          垂泪瓶   *#    50GP   15
          来源:《完美法师Complete Mage》 魔法物品

          IP属地:江苏22楼2017-04-07 10:11

            IP属地:江苏24楼2017-04-08 11:02