笔试,题目万分纠结: 第一部分:语言逻辑:给一段材料,选出支持或者削弱原文观点的选项 第二部分:速算:6分钟计算40道数学题,难度类似于:38*39= 第三部分:数字母,比如在一堆P和d中,数有多少个p。数着数着眼就花了,我就一边数一边用笔点点儿。 侥幸的居然通过了笔试,11月12号晚上收到寰富的邮件,说要做一份QUENTIONNAIRE,其实还是一套笔试题目,一共18道,全是主观题,要求两天之内完成回复邮件,题目如下:
1. Why is Trading Risky?7 b9
2. What is the greatest Risk you have ever taken?'
3. What is a criticism your previous employer gave you? How did you respond?
4. Why is it important for traders to follow Current Events?
5. Do you follow the markets?
6. Would you rather be very Wealthy or very Clever?
7. Which is more valuable: $100 in gold or $100 in oil?
8. What is your motivation to be a Trader?
9. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
10. Have you ever held a Part‐Time job? (not including internships)
11. What was the most useful class you took in University?
12.What do you do in your spare time?
宣讲会结束后就是笔试,分为三个部分, 第一部分逻辑推理,给一段话,问下边哪句能够**或支持上述观点。15题15分钟,答错会扣分! 第二部分速算,加减乘除,40道题好像6分钟,挑加减算会快一点! 第三部分数字母的个数,为了判断是否认真的。数完以后保证你眼花!
1. Why is Trading Risky?7 b9
2. What is the greatest Risk you have ever taken?'
3. What is a criticism your previous employer gave you? How did you respond?
4. Why is it important for traders to follow Current Events?
5. Do you follow the markets?
6. Would you rather be very Wealthy or very Clever?
7. Which is more valuable: $100 in gold or $100 in oil?
8. What is your motivation to be a Trader?
9. Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
10. Have you ever held a Part‐Time job? (not including internships)
11. What was the most useful class you took in University?
12.What do you do in your spare time?
宣讲会结束后就是笔试,分为三个部分, 第一部分逻辑推理,给一段话,问下边哪句能够**或支持上述观点。15题15分钟,答错会扣分! 第二部分速算,加减乘除,40道题好像6分钟,挑加减算会快一点! 第三部分数字母的个数,为了判断是否认真的。数完以后保证你眼花!