粤语吧 关注:280,223贴子:2,835,238
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主唱:靚仔、靚女、Tea Go、ABC、侍應同事、頴珊、Pineapple Guy
時代變了 潮流變了
連最in的稱呼 通通都彷彿忘了
曾是餐廳之光 「靚仔!」我已聽慣
但如今 我只是一碗白飯
時代變了 人情冷了
莫非我已老了 大家都不認得了
曾也堪稱「靚女」 今天卻不知我是誰
白粥一碗 心也碎
This is Tea Go in the house,
茶走 is my name,
But when you 嗒真D,
Me and 奶茶 not the same!
You remember Cold OT,
But why you forget me?
I am just as tasty, 試試你就知!
Milk Tea with no sugar?
Milk Tea with no milk?
Baby are you sure?
But why it tastes like silk?
Honey, I told you already,
This is Hong Kong secret recipe...
仲有飛沙走奶 擺尾 下火 火雞 茶走
多士飛邊 腸粉走色 試過沒有?
茶餐廳嘅術語 要常用才得救
千秋萬世 港式文化 永垂不朽
什麼Pineapple Pen 我地早有Pineapple Bun
入得茶餐廳 梗係嗌得型過人
十年 廿年 卅年 四十年 五十年後
茶餐廳嘅術語 要常用才得救
千秋萬世 港式文化 永垂不朽 不朽
轉載自YouTube 頴珊頻道 | The Wingshantsui Channel

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2017-04-13 12:58回复
    Just when we thought "Pineapple Bun" and "Cold Lemon Tea" were the coolest things to order in Cha Chan Tengs, turns out there's a lot more secret lingo back in the days. Well, here's a song sung by these forgotten phrases, hoping to spread the word before they become long forgotten.
    靚仔 = White rice
    靚女 = Congee
    茶走 =Milk Tea with condensed milk instead of milk & sugar
    飛沙走奶 =Coffee without sugar and milk (ie. black coffee)
    擺尾 =魚片粥
    下火 =皮蛋瘦肉粥
    火雞 =BBQ Pork burnt sides
    多士飛邊 =Toast with no crust
    腸粉走色 =腸粉 with no sauce
    Let's try them. And go test your mom to see if she still remembers them. And please also ask her to go on facebook.com/wstchannel to join us, because we need her.

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2017-04-13 13:01

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2017-04-13 20:27

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2017-04-15 00:47